
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Unofficial 11-12-2024 City Council Minutes

Unofficial Minutes for November 12, 2024, Pembina City Council

Date: November 12, 2024

Council members present: Mayor Fitzgerald, J Watts, K Norby, C Snitker, A Huttunen, K Needham, S Carattini

Guests: G Koropatnicki, City Super; T Stoiber, City Auditor; R Fleming, City Attorney; Ben Kneeshaw; B Eisenbeis, PVFD; Fire Fighters Assn., Dee Moore

Public Portion called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Fitzgerald

Public Portion closed at 6:00 pm by Mayor Fitzgerald

Regular Council Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Fitzgerald

• Changes to Agenda: remove Erin Parker; change “spare garbage truck” to garbage truck on Oct minutes and on agenda; utility line maps; 95 pickup discussion; Community Center Reservations; Rec Board Gaming Permits; Valley Landfill; Countrywide and Valley Landfill. Motion by Needham, 2nd by Snitker to approve changes; all ayes; motion carries. Add employee evaluations, motion by A Huttunen, 2nd by Snitker; all ayes; motion carries.

• Approval/Changes to October 14, 2024, Meeting Minutes: Motion by Needham, 2nd by A Huttunen to approve; all ayes; motion carries.

• Old Business

o Building and Zoning concerns: anyone else needing to be contacted about culvert permits? 222 W Rolette needs culvert notice to be filed with State by City Attorney

o Norby concerns: Sidewalks: 253/273 W Rolette took out sidewalks without permission from City & without pulling building permits—will deal with in Spring; building permit verbiage to include “must be in accordance with State law,” City Attorney to help.

o City Cleanup Day/Valley Landfill—Huttunen provided invoice for City Cleanup Day; Garbage Truck needs to be kept indoors for winter—where is contract?—city to provide storage?—historically Valley Landfill was charged $1000 to store truck? Issues with refuse pickup handled by A Huttunen.

o Automated Water Meter Readers – 229 completed; 2 were billed the $50 non-compliance penalty on Aug-Sept-Oct billing—one remaining 262 Jerome St—if not in compliance this month, fee increases to $85 for 3 months, then disconnected.

o 5 Properties considered for demo.Tabled until Spring.

• Committee Reports o Fire Department -no written minutes-radio updates $54,000; Introduced Fire Fighters Assn. rep Dee Moore; Assn has $21,000 but a lot of expenses in the next year--$10,000 in FD funds; fundraising on-going; PVFD to receive about $20,000 from state towards radios, asking for all $54,000 up front from City. Motion by Snitker City will give the $54,000 with $20,000 to be repaid from grant, $18,000 as no interest loan over 3 years, balance of $16,000 is contribution by City; 2nd by Needham; all ayes; motion carries.

o Rec Board – minutes attached—wants to get County Self-Help $ for more playground equipment—3 pcs of equipment (not one as at Oct meeting), crating and freight $8700. Motion by Watts, 2nd by Snitker to purchase all equipment; all ayes; motion carries. Motion by A Huttunen for minutes to reflect last month’s minutes for Stoiber to complete application to get County Self-Help grant for Rec Board; 2nd by Needham; all ayes; motion carries.

o Ice Rink Committee—no minutes

o 4th of July Committee – no minutes; Steel Canopy & Table construction completed—looking good, almost finished. Huge thank you to Mr. Hartje’s shop class for doing the construction!

o Professional Building—rent increases to $350/mo/office—tabled to Dec, need drawing of offices and square footages to address rate increases; nobody followed through with insurance on damages at rear of building; waiting on bids from contractors for repairs.

• Employees Report/Concerns

o Greg:

 Urgent need for updated utility line maps—2013 were never completed to include changes, and more has changed since 2013—will contact Widseth

 95 “Otter Tail” pickup bed is rusting, truck is on last legs; provided quotes for several trucks

• Attorney Update

o DFA property at 601 W Stutsman—Rob sent DFA repair order with demand that repairs to commence in 30 days and complete within 180 days; reply from DFA asking for extension, granted work to start in 90 days, completion within 180 days

o MidCo water tower lease changes/cancellation—letter to be sent out next year

o Discussion on disposition of Masonic Lodge—No need for Building inspector; will sell building as is and have contract relieve City of any liability regarding asbestos, mold, etc.—sealed bids with right to reject any and all bids, and stipulation that repairs must be made within a certain amount of time. Remaining contents to be sold as sealed bids? There is a Rural Facility Planning Grant of up to $50,000 to help with development of building for other uses (store, housing, etc.)

o Sharp Shears possibly moving out of building at end of lease—need to collect deposit of $350; her last month per current lease is June 2024.

o Letter to 241/251 N 2nd St regarding filling in of basement on 251 to be sent out.

o Frank Moll Will letter coming concerning additional $20-$30,000

o Brought tow notices

o Meeting conflict with another city; motion by Snitker, 2nd by A Huttunen for first reading of ordinance to change Regular Council Meetings from 2nd Monday of Month to 2nd Tuesday of Month. All ayes, motion carries.

• Update & Business:

Mayor/Mike Fitzgerald

• Update & Business: City Auditor/ Teri Stoiber

o Oct Bills & Financials + cash balance report; motion to approve by Needham, 2nd by Carrattini; all ayes; motion passes.

o Request by Watts to research Mosquito fund—something wrong with balance; A Huttunen to be copied.

o Delinquent Accounts Update: city is not a bank. City needs to discourage late/delinquent accounts—$2082.53 in delinquent accounts at 11/11/24..

o Received bill from Widseth $15,950 for Aerial Mapping.

o Leadline Inventory notices sent out in October for unknown lines. (100 letters)

o Storage Unit 160 needs repairs on overhead door; motion by Snitker, 2nd by A Huttunen for Greg to handle the repairs/contacting Trails End if he can’t do it; all ayes; motion carries.

o Lot rents increase? Tabled to Dec. Should Kneeshaw Cir stop getting free storage unit (since there are no units available one tenant has not had the free unit)? Tabled to Dec. Does 5th St get free storage units when available? Tabled to Dec.

o Complaint from 222 Rolette St they’ve been overcharged since 2021 for Mosquito Fee—wants refund going back to 2021. City ordinances state apartments get charged per unit. Other units being charged per unit include 341 N 5th St and 672 W Rolette St. The following apartments have only been charged per building: 632 W Rolette, 252 N 6th St, 521 N 3rd St., 231 N 3rd St., 221 N Cavalier St.: these units will be billed in November per unit. Stoiber to send letter to 222 W Rolette along with Culvert paperwork, as well as send letters to other multi-unit properties, they will be receiving increase for mosquito billing (will not be retroactive).

o Motion by Needham, to close small money market account to 5 Now Fund accounts and move $15855.22 from sales tax account to Daycare NOW account; 2nd by A Huttunen; all ayes; motion carries.

o State Auditor has sent audit letter for 2018. Number of funds to be condensed for ease in reconciling and tracking monies.

o Received letter from NDDES about a legal change to home building regarding flood plain level—does not affect Pembina due to dike.

o City Email was phished and caused fraud loss of $4689.73—have insurance, FBI, Secret Service and Sheriff’s Dept trying to retrieve funds. Policy for payroll changes is now: ALL PAYROLL CHANGES to be done in person—not via text, mail, or email.

o Building Permit approval: The Bridgestone brought up concerns about water tower lot fence being on boundary. Businesses do not have to have yard footage/set backs. Building/Culvert permits: 152 Hayden St, 451 W Hancock, 252 W Ramsey, 163 W Chippewa. Motion to approve by Snitker; 2nd by A Huttunen; all ayes; motion carries. Bridgestone needs permit for water pump.

o Gaming Permit approval: PVFD requested raffle for 12/8/24 Pancake Breakfast. Approved by State. Motion to approve by A Huttunen, 2nd by Watts; all ayes; motion carries.

o Property Tax concerns: some properties charged minimally, reason was a raise would be done over 3 years. Will increase for 2024.

o Sent letter to Catfish Committee, Airport, and 4th of July Committee stating they must get their own FEIN by January 1, 2025. Only 4th of July Committee responded. There are 5 other bank accounts that ND State Auditor says either needs to have meetings with council members present as “official committees” (and present minutes to auditor), and their deposits and checks need to go through auditor’s office and auditor reconciles monthly, or they need to get own FEIN and move bank accounts accordingly. Motion by Snitker, 2nd by Needham to withdraw previous requirement and Stoiber to send amended letters with the following options (1) they can get their own FEIN, (2) they can become a formal committee of their own, have meetings, provide minutes, and turn over checks and deposits to City for record keeping) or (3) become a subdivision of another committee (would still need to have meetings, council members on committee, and provide same as #2)—need to have plan by December meeting. All ayes, motion carries.

o City Ordinance 7.0224 states every person/entity that owns property within the City is to report all addresses they are in control of to the City Auditor and whether they are vacant lots or residential/businesses, for the purposes of utility billing. Stoiber directed to research county property records and find which properties are currently being billed minimums as per above, and start billing those that have not turned in their paperwork.

o City Water/Sewer Utility Policy 10% early payment discount on water, sewer & lagoon has been implemented.

o Professional Building Sign has been installed; dedication plaque has arrived; dedication ceremony will be November 15, 2024, at 2:30 pm in front of the Professional Building (inside if weather is bad).

o There is a need for more storage units in town. City not interested at this time.

o New envelopes w stickers for Campgrounds arrived; Stoiber looking for quote on new sign per B Masloski o Pembina County JDA 2024 Self-Help Program: Fire Dept has been submitted. Stoiber to submit new application for Rec Board as per above.

• New Business

o S Pembina Septics—County Health Department report—City to submit with Mayor’s approval

o Community Center Reservations—A Huttunen motioned reservations for Community Center and Pavilion cannot be made online by anyone other than City Auditor and all entities wishing to book Community Center or Pavilion need to come to City Office and have Stoiber reserve; 2nd by Needham; all ayes; motion carries. o Rec Board Gaming Permits: A Huttunen to fill out application and bring back with $10 so Council can approve o Watts requested employee evaluation forms be sent to each council member.

• Motion to adjourn by Carattini