
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

March 23, 2022 Minutes

Minutes for March 23, 2022, Pembina City Council Special Meeting

Council Members Present: Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, President Jeff Watts, VP Ron Fritz, Greg Korpatnicki, Jennifer Martin and Pat Burton.

Absent: Al Huttunen


Flood Emergency Declaration: Motion by Fritz, second by Burton to approve Flood Emergency Declaration. Motion Carried 

Bids for Snow Removal: Motion by Burton Second by Fritz to accept Twamley Construction bid of $2,740 to remove snow from ditches and other areas. Motion Carried

Sandbagging- Sand will be coming Thursday. Will sandbag at school parking lot on Friday

Public Works Help- Motion by Burton second by Martin to expand advertising and also advertise for temporary part time help. Motion Carried

Summer Help- Motion by Fritz second by Martin to advertise for summer help with starting wage at @ $12.00 hour Motion Carried

Motion by Fritz to adjourn meeting at 6:37