
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

December 2014 Special Mtg Minutes

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W Rolette St.

Official Special Meeting Minutes January 21st, 2015th City Council Meeting


Attendance, Mayor Dorion, Councilmembers, Greg Truax, Corie Koropatnicki, Ron Fritz, Greg Wilmer and Al Huttunen

Present: Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson,

Others Present:  No one for public present.


Special Meeting was called to order Mayor Dorion @ 4:30 p.m.


Vacant Council seat: Mr. Truax felt that since Joan Studeny and Ron Fritz were tie for the 3rd council seat at the last election and Mr. Fritz’s name was drawn for the tie breaker of that seat that Joan should be the one that fills the vacant Council seat.

Motion by Truax second by Fritz to appoint Joan Studeny to the vacant Council seat.

Ayes: Mr. Huttunen, Ms. Koropatnicki, Mr. Fritz, and Mr. Truax Nays: Wilmer. Motion carried. 



Levee bid: The requested references from the lowest bidder for similar work all checked out.

Motion by Wilmer second by Huttunen to accept Red Lake Builders, Inc. bid of $ 316,612.01 for Flood Protection System Modification. Alternate 2A- Earthwork & seeding.

 Ayes: Mr. Huttunen, Ms. Koropatnicki, Mr. Fritz, Mr. Wilmer and Mr. Truax. Nays: none. Motion carried. 





Motion by Fritz to adjourn at 4:45p.m




                                                By: ___________________________________

                                                           Mayor, Kyle Dorion




Attested to:  _________________________________         


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator