
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Ft. Pembina Historical Society Holds Service at St. John Ukrainian Church

Refurbished interior of St. John Ukrainian Orthodox church, Dec. 11.
Refurbished interior of St. John Ukrainian Orthodox church, Dec. 11.
For the second year in a row, the Fort Pembina Historical Society has hosted an old-fashioned Christmas Candlelight service at the historic Ukrainian Orthodox Church in South Pembina.  About 40 individuals gathered in the well-lighted, but chilly, church to enjoy the Christmas story read from the Bible, interspersed with carols, accompanied by Betty Irving and her electric piano.  Hot cider warmed the hands as the words warmed the hearts. 
A special tribute was also read toward the end of the service, as follows:  “We would like to just take a few minutes to remember Fort Pembina Historical Society Members who have died in the past couple of years. 
We remember Dickie Monette and Leo Warner.  Both grew up in the Pembina-St. Vincent area and had stories to share of the changes in their hometown. 
We remember Edith Radig.  Last December Edie was battling cancer, and because of her deep love of the Church and music, we dedicated our first annual old-fashioned candlelight Christmas carol and prayer service to Edie.  She dies just
Ft. Pembina Historical Society President H Jim Radig read a portion of the Christmas Story
Ft. Pembina Historical Society President H Jim Radig read a portion of the Christmas Story
days following the service.  Edie was treasurer of the Fort Pembina Historical Society at the time of her death. 
We remember Milfred Hart.  Milfred was one of the organizers of the Historical Society, and a past president.  If we had questions on city history, Milfred had the answers.
We remember Mel Feldman.  Mel was also a past president.  He too grew up in Pembina.  His father, or perhaps it was his grandfather, (Mabel can clear that up for us) operated a Feed and Seed Store out of what was the first Pembina School…now known as the Masonic Hall.  Mel was a strong leader who cared for his hometown and the people who lived here.
We remember Gerry Baldock.  Gerry was president of the Fort Pembina Historical Society at the time of his death.  When Melissa Grafe was supervisor at the Pembina State Museum, she started pushing Gerry and the Historical Society to “get going” on the restoration of this little church which was so badly damaged in the spring flood of ’97.  Well, Gerry “got going”…
Rev. Linda Baldock lead prayer at the Christmas Service.
Rev. Linda Baldock lead prayer at the Christmas Service.
for lumber, for nails, paint, taller ladders, etc., etc., etc.  We are almost done.  We need a showcase to display items still stored in the museum. The Priests dressing room needs cleaning and paint.  And the outside painting needs to be finished.  This will be completed!
Gerry also go the members “going”.  We took daytrips to Winnipeg to museums, Folklarama and Celebrations Dinner Theatre, to Steinbach’s Mennonite Village, Walhalla’s Frostfire Theater, to the near-by towns of Lake Bronson, Minto, Edinburg, where we learned their local history.  We went on a tour of UND’s Aerospace Center.  The day Gerry went in for surgery, we were to take a trip to Fargo to visit museums including the Air Museum which honors Tom Nord.  We will be going on this trip in the spring. 
That is quite a list, isn’t it?  We remember them all:  Dickie, Leo, Edie, Milfred, Mel, and Gerry.  They were a vital part in the history of the Fort Pembina Historical Society and this community.”