April 2014 Minutes
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes April 14th, 2014 City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion; Council – John Feldman, Bev Burke, Debbie Stanhope, Greg Wilmer and Dan Waldrop
Absent: Greg Truax
City Employees Present: Auditor Nancy Thompson and Public Works Ken Norby.
City Attorney: Rob Fleming.
City Engineer: Brad Bail.
- Others Present: Corie Koropatnicki, Nate Dalager /HDR, Gray Helland , Mark Hatloy, Tom Nord, John Fowler and George Able
Public Portion
- Mark Hatloy – Discussed with Council the airports upcoming bond payment they have due and are shorts funds to make this payment. They didn’t receive their mills from the city this year. The reason the airport didn’t receive their mills was they didn’t do their 2014 budget. Due to that the city couldn’t submit their budget with along with the city’s to the county Auditor for them to receive their mills.
Regular Meeting: Called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:10 p.m.
- Changes / Addition Made Agenda:
Motion by Wilmer second by Stanhope to accept changes / additions to agenda. - Ayes by all present.
2. Approval/ Changes March Minutes:
Motion by Wilmer second by Stanhope to approve March minutes with changes. - Ayes by all present.
3. Old Business:
- Levee –Council discussed with Nate Dalager the levee project and the two bids the city received. Motion by Wilmer second by Feldman to reject the two bids for the construction of the city’s Flood protection system modification on the levee Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke and Wilmer Nays: none absent and not voting, Truax .Motion carried. Council plans on rebidding the project in the fall of 2014.
- Bret Corneliusen – Waiting for him to start working on his house. - keep on old business
- Coin operated Water Station- Still being worked on.- keep on old business
- Pest detective (dike) - Will contact in spring. - keep on old business
- Red River approach - Fix in spring 2014. - keep on old business
- Fed Ex Sewer hookup - Haven’t heard if this is done. - keep on old business
- Spot Bar –Just waiting to hear back from county.
- PCC tiles - Jim Holmquist installed the rest of the ceramic tiles.
- Ernie Ruet D’auetuil – Waiting for spring then the garage located on his property on 3rd will be tore down and hauled out. – Keep on old business
- Additional light at boat ramp - Warrenwill look at this in the spring and get back to Nancy. – Keep on old business
4. Engineer Report/Brad Bail:
- Water/Sewer project – Updated Council on where things are at with Spruce on closing out the project. Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to authorize Mayor Dorion and Auditor Thompson to sign the Mutual settlement agreement and release (see attachment). Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Waldrop and Wilmer Nays: none absent and not voting, Truax. Motion carried. The water break at Gary Helland was coved by Spruce.
5. Attorney Update:
- Police contract – Rob is waiting to here if the changes the city wanted made to the contract have been accept by the Pembina County Commissioners.
- PE Fire Dep letters –The letters on smoking in the fire hall and having a sleep room in there were delivered to Fire Chief Jon Kalka.
- Snow removal policy –. Rob will draft this policy and have Council review it.
6. Employees Report/Concerns: Nothing at this time
7. Update & Business: Mayor – Nothing at this time
8 Update & Business: City Auditor/ Nancy Thompson
- March 2014 Financials - financials reviewed and approved.
- April 2014 bills – bills reviewed and approved
- Airport – Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to give the Pembina Airport Authority a 5 year interest free loan of 5,000 and include the1,000 still owed to the city from a previous loan. This will be added to the total amount due to the City. The total amount owed will be 6,000. With payments of $1,200 a year due April 1st of every year and their yearly budget will be turned into the city office by July 31st of every year without a reminder. If one of these items is not done the city will call for the loan amount to be paid in full. Rob will draw up a promissory note for the airport to sign on this loan.
9. Committee Reports:
- Personnel Committee -Employee evaluations were done on April 15th .Council discussed evaluations Motion by Feldman second by Burke to give all employees a 3% pay increase and to retro pay them back to January2014. Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke and Waldrop .Nays: none absent and not voting, Truax and Wilmer. Motion carried. Motion by Waldrop second by Stanhope to give Zelda Hartje the city’s Tax Assessor a yearly pay increase of 150.00. Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke and Waldrop. Nays: none absent and not voting, Truax and Wilmer. Motion carried
- 10. New Business:Summer help –Motion by Waldrop Second by Stanhope to hire both Austin Volk and Clarisse Albrecht for summer help at a rate of $8.25 an hour with a max of 40hrs a week if needed. Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke and Waldrop. Nays: none absent and not voting, Truax and Wilmer. Motion carried
- School parking lot – Semis are turning around on the parking lot and the concern is that parking lot will not hold up to semis .
11. Adjournment: Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:05 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator