Official Minutes for September 9, 2019, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Connor Snitker by phone, Cody Carpenter, Allen Huttunen, Melissa Hilliard.
Absent: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator and Mike Fitzgerald
City Employees Present: Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent, Blaine Eisenbeis/Public Works Assistant
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present: Brad Bail
Others present: Harold Rotunda, Phil Hall, Darcy Reis, Corie Koropatnicki, Mason Peters, Garrett Masloski, Matt Chale, Greg Kneeshaw, Crystal Volk.
Public Portion-6 p.m.
Crystal Volk here regarding weeds at the new Pembina sign. She also raised concern over how much the city paid the fire department and stated the fire department should apply for grants.
Garret Masloski and Matt Chale here on behalf of the Catfish Committee would like to have their own checking account for the Catfish Committee.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:10 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Add Daycare under Committee Reports. Change Committee Report to go before Budget Report. Motion by Huttunen, second by Snitker to approve changes to agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Huttunen,seconded by Carpenter to approve August’s minutes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
Spot Bar- Tabled.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail – Brad Bail here to give an update on the cost shares of the dam removal project. Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard to go forward with starting the cost analysis of the project. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
Nothing at this time
Employee Report/Concerns-
Gastrak Ditch Project – Brad will come up with how the cost will be split between Gastrak and the City. Two bids were received, one from Thorlakson and one from Twamley. Thorlakson was low bid.
Gary’s training- Gary requested to go to the pollution control conference in October. Motion by Hilliard, second by Carpenter to attend. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Coulee- It was determined it would be the landowner’s responsibility to fix if the coulee walls were caving in.
Loader lease – Loader lease is coming due in November. Motion by Carpenter, second by Fritz to accept new lease agreement with RDO Equipment. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
School generator - Gary will talk to the school to see what needs to be done.
Jerome street repair - Motion by Fritz, second Huttunen to have BCI do concrete repair. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Update & Business: Mayor –
Nothing at this time
Update & Business: Public Works Assistant/Blaine Eisenbeis
The July financials and August bills were reviewed and approved.
Final Budget- Discussion on budget regarding airport. Snitker made recommendation to move their mills to capital improvement. Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to approve budget as proposed for 2019 with exception of changing the airport to zero and moving those 2 mills to the capital improvement fund keeping the amount at $185,718.61. Roll call vote. Ayes: Snitker, Huttunen, Hilliard, Carpenter and Fritz. Nayes: none. Absent and not voting Fitzgerald. Motion carries.
Pickup (Carpenter) – It was discussed that Trails End had a pickup for sale. Carpenter had looked at the truck and felt it would make a good public works truck. Eisenbeis checked with two dealerships to get comparable bids. Dealerships would not put out bids on a used vehicle. Eisenbeis printed out a couple comparable vehicles at other dealerships. Motion by Huttunen, second by Fritz to purchase vehicle from Trails End for $16,500 with financing for 4 years through CSB. Roll call vote. Ayes Fritz, Snitker, Huttunen, Carpenter, and Hilliard. Absent and not voting Fitzgerald. Motion carries.
Committee Reports:
Daycare – Current provider has quit, and the daycare is currently closed. Mason Peters suggested to the council that the city should take over the daycare licensing and hire an employee to run it. Attorney Fleming will look into the legal side of this. Tabled until next month.
Daycare- Koropatnicki gave her resignation to the council.
Catfish Committee – Motion by Huttunen, second by Hilliard to give the committee their own checking account. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
New Business:
Siren (Snitker) – Discussion on whether to eliminate the noon and 6 pm siren. Motion by Snitker, no second. Motion died.
Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 7:20 p.m.
By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: Blaine Eisenbeis, Public Works Assistant