City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of July 1, 2002 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Warren Hillukka, Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, John Feldman
Absent: Mayor Pat Burton
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud/Adm.
Others Present: Chris Benson, George Motl.
Public Hearing called to order at 7:00 by Warren Hillukka.
1. Chris Benson – had been writing tickets to county instead of city. Will correct this.
Regular Meeting called to order 7:10 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda – Street Dance, mosquito spraying, tall grass, wood on berm, employee communications, golf course, City Scan articles.
2. June minutes had been approved June 25.
3. No Judges Report.
4. City Attorney Update: a) No Attorney General’s opinions yet returned.
5. Employee Report: a) Problem with non-paying water user will be resolved; notice to correct non-private access by Aug. 1 to be sent. b) City Engineer reports raw meter not accurate. Estimated cost to change out piping with new meter and by-pass is $12,000. Benefit would be more consistent, with possible savings on chemical usage. Motion by Feldman, Second by Senum, to purchase the new meter as proposed. 100% voting aye. c)
Retirement issue: Continued discussion regarding 38 years of service to the city with only 7 years of retirement paid. Proposal of four years paid consultant contract set forth by the Council (which the City Attorney advises is under no legal obligation) was rejected be employee. d) Various questions as to amount of work being accomplished led to Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to require plant personnel to complete job logs on one-half hour increments. Motion Carried 100%. e) Discussion of City staff communication: Council recommends paying employees toward the use of their cell phones.
6. No Mayoral Update
7. Aud/Adm. Update: a) June General Ledger, collections/disbursements (though not reconciled) and July bills to be paid presented; financials approved. b) Have moved into new office, with more work to be done to get completely settled.
8. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Setting up for July 4: needing mowing, spraying, tables and bleachers moved. b)Growth Committee: Letter received from Duane Sand Re: incentives; possibility of a casino being looked into; and 1000 city tourism maps have been ordered.
9. Issues: a) Street Dance discussed under Rec. Bd. b) Mosquito spraying: has been done almost nightly, but a 3-dat stretch was missed when the volunteers were out of town. Spraying will include Golf Course. c) Tall grass—Ordinance states two week notice in the paper, three days if notified in writing, is sufficient to have city correct nuisances. Auditor directed to address these properties. d) Golf Course: Management needs to put forth effort to maintain and advertise. e) CityScan articles: NDSU design team gave Watford City some recommendations. We need to be energetic and hopeful about the future of our community also! We have a great historical significance. Also noted workshops sponsored by NDLC in Bismarck July 24 & 25.
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:45 p.m.
By: Pat Burton, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm