
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

December 13, 2010

 City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

Official Minutes December 13th 2010 City Council Meeting

Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka Council Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, John Feldman, Debbie Stanhope

Absent: Greg Wilmer, Pat Burton

Present: Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson, Deputy Auditor Lisa Plante, PWS Ken Norby, City Engineer Dan Johnson

Others Present: Kathy Lunde-Red River Regional Council

Public Portion: None present

Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:00 p.m.

1. Changes made to agenda:  Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to approve November 8th meeting minutes. Motion carries.

2. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) Dan reminded the Council that the awhile back the City had been put on the list for Clean Water State Revolving fund program for the Lagoon and we need to update the paper work to stay on the list. Motion by Feldman second by Burke for City Engineer Dan Johnson to fill out the paper work for the clean water State revolving fund program. Motion carries. b) Looking at opening up bids in first part of March for the water & forcemain projects.

3. Attorney: Neil advised the council that dike lawsuit hearing is set for first part of February.

4. Employee Report: a).Discussion was held on Parking on Stutsman street by MCI since there have been complaints about vehicles being parked there and making it difficult to pass by there .Council decided to keep an eye on that part of Stutsman street to make sure it doesn’t become a safety issue . B) Water usage in South Pembina is up Ken is to look into possible reason for this .C) Council and City employees have been approached regarding smoking in bars. Motion by Dorion second by Feldman for City attorney to draw up ordinance for no smoking in Liquor establishments. Motion carries  

5. Mayor Update:  a) Mayor received a thank you letter from the Growing leader in Pembina County steering committee for the welcoming he gave the group when they had their meeting at the Community Center d) The city had received a letter from FEMA about the flood maps sent by FEMA and the City as a condition of continued eligility in the Nation Flood Insurance Program, to adopt or show evidence of adoption of floodplain management regulations.  Motion by Feldman Second by Dorion for Mayor to sign the Drought management plan for the City. Motion carries

6.  Aud. /Admin. Update:  a) November financials reviewed and approved.  b) December bills reviewed and approved. c) Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to Transfer of following accounts from Garbage (510) to the following (100) general, (220) community center (401) community center to help them out of the red. Roll call vote ayes, Dorion, Stanhope, Burke, and Feldman Nays: none, absent and not voting, Burton and Wilmer. Motion carries. d) January meeting will be Tuesday the 11th instead of the 10th as there will not be enough Council member that nigh for a quorum. Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to go with Choice financial on the refinancing of the Professional Building loan, unless CSB can meet the quoted rate from Choice financial if CSB can then go with CSB. voting aye Dorion, Stanhope, and Feldman Nays: none, absent and not voting, Burton and Wilmer Burke abstains. Motion carries

7.   Committee Reports:  a) Rec board contacted the fire department to see if they would be willing again this year to get the ice skating rink ready. Jon Kalka has been trying to get the ice rink flooded and ready.

8. Issues-New & Outstanding: City office will do some updating on the snow removal protocol.

Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:30p.m.

 By:  Mayor, Warren Hillukka   

Attested to:  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator