City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes November 8th, 2010 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council, Beverly Burke, Debbie Stanhope & Greg Wilmer
Absent: Kyle Dorion, Pat Burton, John Feldman
Present: Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson, Dan Johnson City Engineer, PWS Ken Norby, Deputy Auditor Lisa Plante
Public Portion: Jon Kalka-Fire Dept, Brian Williams-Ambulance, Sharryn Finney, Joan Studney, and Kathy Johnson-Pembina new era
Public Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm
Brian Williams here to thank council and state appreciation from ambulance, also wanted to make sure no ill feelings between council and ambulance.
Jon Kalka here to review Fire Department finances and review training and inform what insurance rates would be without a local fire dept.
Sharryn Finney and Joan Studney here to inquire on current police coverage in town. Council gave them information regarding this.
Regular Monthly Meeting called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Changes made to agenda: Add Fema letter and update from Nate Dalager under Mayor Update. Add skating rink under New & Outstanding. Motion by Stanhope, second by Wilmer to accept changes to agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Burke second by Wilmer to approve October 11th minutes with changes and October 19th minutes. Motion carried.
1. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) discussed water & forced main projects – still waiting on design work so no specs to review. Recommends a March bid opening.
2. City Attorney Update: a) Neil advised council that the Mayor has the authority to assign people to the Special Assessment Commission. The only requirements are they must be Residents and Reputable. The council then approves the Mayors appointments then the person accepts and they will then be sworn in.
3. Employee Report: a) Curb stop at 152 Hayden St is not working, need to have Ralph come in and repair b) putting rip rap at wash out at the Walker pump house c) drained lagoon Sunday, Nov 7th d) McCormick had pan gasket leaking-needs to go to Hallock for warranty repair, bucket is ready on it for winter e) all of S. Pembina is winterized
4. Mayor Update: a) Received a letter from Fema regarding a new floodplain map. Will need to do a Resolution adopting the floodplain b) Motion by Wilmer 2nd by Burke to approve the Phase 3 $159,291.00 HDR proposal for the levee recertification design engineering services. Roll call vote. All ayes Wilmer, Burke, Stanhope. Nayes none. Absent and not voting Dorion, Burton and Feldman. Motion carries.
5. Aud. /Admin. Update: a) October financials reviewed and approved. b). November bills reviewed and approved. c) loan on Professional Building has balance of $101,000.00 that will need to be refinanced. Have rates ready for December meeting. D) CDBG grant for tables and chairs at community center. Motion by Wilmer to purchase chairs no second. Motion dies.
6. Committee Reports: a) none
7. New Issues: a) Skating rink-nothing started on it yet this year. Will email Rec Board on this matter.
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.
By: Mayor, Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator