
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

January 2015 Minutes

   Official Minutes January 12th, 2015 Pembina City Council Meeting

Council Members Present:  Mayor Kyle Dorion, Corie Koropatnicki, Allen Huttunen, Council VP Greg Truax, Ron Fritz


Absent:  President Greg Wilmer


City Employees Present:   Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator,Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent




City Attorney Present:  Rob Fleming


City Engineer Present:  Brad Bail; Widseth Smith Nolting & Nate Dalager; HDR


  • Others Present:  Joan Studeny

Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion @ 6:00pm.


Public Portion: No one for public portion


Changes to Agenda


  • Ms. Koropatnicki added “Growth” under Committee reports and” natural gas feasibility study” under Engineer.
  • Mr. Truax added “fine South Pembina Bridge” under Attorney update.
  • Mayor Dorion added “Council pay” under update and business:  Mayor.


Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Huttunen to accept addition /changes to agenda; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


Changes to Decembers 8th & 18th Minutes


  • No changes.

Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Mr. Fritz to accept December 8th & 18th minutes; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.


Old Business


  • WSN Feasibility study on paving streets – On hold till spring.
  • Fire Dept. train derailment plan- Plan still being worked on. Take off old business


  • Mosquito fee- Ms. Thompson verified that business were being charged the fee. Ms. Thompson had figures for council she went through with them on the current rate and increased rate.

 Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Fritz to increase the mosquito rate in town to $5.00 per house/ residential unit and $10. 00 per business effective February 2015 utility billing; roll call:  Mr. Truax: aye, Mr. Fritz: aye, Ms. Koropatnicki: aye, Mr. Huttunen: aye.  Motion carries.



  • Bret Corneliusen – Ms. Thompson contacted Mr. Jim Holmquist for house inspection and he wants to wait till it warms up. Ms. Thompson sent an email to Mr. Corneliusen on getting keys for his house so it may be inspected. Mr. Corneliusen responded to the email stating that the house isn’t quite ready to be inspected as there are a few things left to do. He ran out of time but plans on finishing up in the spring. Mr. Helland tried to clean up garbage with loader bucket. That bucket didn’t work needs a backhoe bucket to get the garbage. Mr. Helland talked with Mayor Dorion on it and he had him just push the pile to the garage till it can be taken care of.


o   ACTION:  Mr. Fleming will email a PDF file to Mr. Corneliusen with a copy of the certified letter that was sent to him from Mr. Fleming. The letter was never pick up so the letter was returned to Mr. Fleming.


  • Levee – Bids were open today @ 5: 30 p.m. for the re-bid #3 on the levee project. The city receive 4 bids for this part of the project. A special meeting is set for January 22nd at 4:30 p.m.

o   ACTION:  Mr. Dalager & Mr. Fleming to review the bids more thoroughly and Council is requesting references from the 3 lowest bidder before they award the bid.


  • Street signs - Mr. Huttunen looked at the signs that were in need of replacing.

Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Huttunen to replace the street signs that need to be; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.



Engineer Report/Brad Bail

  • Mr. Brad Bail –   Ms. Koropatnicki was inquiring if Mr. Bail knew who to get in contact with about looking into natural gas. Mr. Bail directed Ms. Koropatnicki to get in contact with local natural gas company which is MDU.


Attorney Update

  • Mr. Rob Fleming – The paperwork for the alley closure is waiting on one signature.  Once completed, then Ms. Thompson can published in local paper for 4 weeks. 
  • Vacant Council seat –Mr. Fleming reviewed with Council the century code on filling the vacant council seat.
  • S. PE Bridge - Mr. Truax noted that some fines have been handed out for semi-trucks crossing the S. PE Bridge. The fine they get is very minimal and would like to see it increased.   

o   ACTION: Council directed Mr. Fleming to draft an Ordinance to increase the fine to $200.00. Mr. Fleming will have this ordinance ready for the first reading at the special meeting set for January 22nd.


Employee Report/Concerns

  • Mr. Gary Helland – Mr. Helland informed Council that in Feb & March there are classes he will need to attend. One is for water distribution and the other is ISO 300 & 400. There is a water break by Interstate paper and Kyle Twamley is going to start working on it Tuesday.



One call Division St. - Mr. Helland expressed that he couldn’t  find any evidence of a “one call” prior to digging were the sewer line was bore through. The contract on that project was contacted and he did get a copy that there was a one call done for it. He stated the city didn’t mark the dig site. Ms. Thompson said she finds it hard to believe that Mr. Norby wouldn’t’ have done a one call.

o   ACTION:  Ms. Thompson to look through old jobs logs from August 23- 27, 2013 and see if anything about making that one call is in there.


  • Snow Removal assistance.  Mr. Helland informed Council that Mr. Pat Burton helped with snow removal 2 weeks ago since Mr. Ladouceur was over his hours.



  • Update & Business:  Mayor
  • Mayor Dorion asked for Councils input on how they are currently paid .He was wondering if they wanted to keep or change the way they are paid. Council members are paid for all regular monthly meetings even if there absent.
  • Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Mr. Huttunen that Council members only get paid for the meetings they are present at effective immediately  ; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.




Update & Business:  City Auditor

  • December financial and January bills were reviewed and approved.



Committee Reports

  • Growth Committee- Had a meeting and went through the input for the public meeting they had. The top things from that meeting were as follows:

o   Child Care

o   Affordable housing

o   Natural gas

The garage doors at Pembina Court are going to be maintenance. There will be 20 new door seals put on. Three new garage doors were ordered to replace damaged parts on existing doors.


New Business  



Motion to adjourn by Mr. Fritz at 7:10pm.





             By:  ___________________________________

                     Mayor, Kyle Dorion





Attested to:  _________________________________   


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator