
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

March 9, 2009

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

  Minutes of March 9, 2009 City Council Meeting 

Attendance:  Mayor Warren Hillukka Council:  Beverly Burke, Pat Burton, Greg Wilmer, And Debbie Stanhope.  Absent: John Feldman, Kyle Dorion, City Engineer Dan Johnson

Present: PWS Ken Norby, Attorney Larry Dubois, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson


There being no one present for the Public Hearing, the Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:05 p.m.


1.  Changes made to agenda:  add under new and & outstanding Steve Griffith Tax Exemption and Streets


2.  Motion by Burton, second by Wilmer to approve February minutes with changes to 3.b  make update one word and 5.d add( with CSB) after the word loan . Motion carried unanimously.


3.  City Attorney Update: Nothing at this time.


4. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: Absent


5.  Employee Report:  a) Goals/priorities reviewed.  b). Ken discussed the water breaks the city has had and sewer problem at Dan Waldrop’s   c) Reviewed quotes for generator.  d.) Golf course lease tabled until next month e) Nancy will call Sally Kliniske, director of Pembina County Senior Meal Program and talk with her about different options for the program f.)  The City will not be signing the shelter agreement sent by the Red Cross   g) City well let the water plant discharge permit go h.) S. Pembina tree nursery golf course may use the trees out of the nursery i.) Motion by Burton, second by Wilmer to accept Team Lab’s bid for broadleaf spraying, golf course fairway & pond spraying. Motion carries unanimously.


6. Mayor Update:  a) Copies of the City polices manual for the governing body   b.)  Will try and attend Sen. Dorgan’s flood meeting in Grand Forks on 3-14-2009 at 4 p.m.


7.  Aud./Admin. Update:  a) Feb financials reviewed and approved.  b) March bills reviewed and approved.  c)  Motion by Stanhope, second by Burton, to give $100.00 for NB high school’s after prom party.  Motion carried unanimously d.) Advertise office space at Professional Building e.) Put add in paper on Tax Exemption Improvements to Commercial & Residential Buildings f.) 4-14-2009 at 4p.m. City will have yearly Tax Equalization meeting with Zelda Hartje g.) Flood meeting set for Thursday Mar 12th, 2009 at 4p.m.


8.  Committee Reports:  No reports at this time


9.  New Issues: a.)  Motion by Burke, second by Burton to grant Steve Griffith 3 years maximum property tax exemption 80% 1st yr, 60% 2nd yr., 40% 3rd yr. Motion carries unanimously b.) Brief discussion by Wilmer on Street’s


10.  Motion to adjourn by Burke at 8:20 p.m.                   

                                                                         By:  Mayor Warren Hillukka


Attested to:         

Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator