Sunday, Sept. 16, 2007
8:00 p.m.Present: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, and Deb Stanhope. Absent: Pat Burton
Others Present: Aud./Admin. Kathy Johnson
Call to order at 8:03 p.m.
- Preliminary 2008 City budget presented by Auditor and reviewed by council.
Final Budget meeting set for Sunday, Sept. 30 @ 8 p.m.Resolution to accept bond proposal was tabled. Motion to adjourn by Burke, 9:15 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm
Special City Council Meeting
Sunday, Sept. 30, 2007
8:00 p.m.
152 W. Rolette St.
Present: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Beverly Burke, Pat Burton, John Feldman, Nancy Thompson, and Deb Stanhope. Absent: Kyle Dorion
Others Present: Aud./Admin. Kathy Johnson
Call to order at 8:10 p.m.
- Final 2008 City budget presented by Auditor and reviewed by council.
Changes will be made to show transfers out from General to Highway, Flood, and Mosquito accounts.Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to accept the final budget with changes. Motion carried unanimously. Motion to adjourn by Burke, 9:25 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm