
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Official Minutes for August 12, 2024 Council Meeting

Official Minutes for August 12, 2024, Pembina City Council Meeting

Date: August 12, 2024, called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Fitzgerald.

Council members present: Mayor Fitzgerald, J Watts, K Norby, A Huttunen, C Snitker, K Needham, S Carattini

Guests: Greg Koropatnicki, City Super; Teri Stoiber, City Auditor; Rob Fleming, City Attorney; Dustin Fanfulfik, City Engineer; Blaine Eisenbeis PVFD; P Hall; S Engelstad Pembina School Superintendent; B Kneeshaw

Public Portion: Mr. Englestad said he didn’t know he needed permission to remove sidewalk, didn’t know it was city property; Fleming said it is a must to get permission & a building permit is required for any construction or demolition within the City; Mr. Englestad was given a building permit to fill out & return with fee. Public portion closed at 6:06pm.

Regular Council Meeting called to order at 6:06pm.

·Changes to Agenda:

o   Add under Mayor: complaints about 2 properties not being maintained

o   Greg: Ramp Lights, Tower

o   Under building permits, add 2 new ones

o   Under New Business: Gaming Permit for Ambulance Service

Motion by Snitker to accept changes. Second by Needham. All ayes. Motion carries.

·Approval/Changes to July 8 & July 15, 2024, Meeting Minutes—Motion by Watts to accept minutes as written. Second by Carattini. All ayes. Motion carries.

·Old Business

o   Garbage/Recycling/City CleanUp Day: Big thanks to Koropatnicki & crew. Huttunen would like to thank by throwing pizza party or something? Went well, should be getting numbers for billing purposes to Stoiber before next billing cycle. Invoices from various contractors should be coming in soon.

o   Automated Water Meter Readers – 223 completed

o   Generator Update—Koropatnicki spoke with Todd’s Electric, machines pretty much self-diagnose & autocorrect; ordered new keys as someone stole the last ones.

o   DFA property at 601 W Stutsman: Rob is trying to get the repair order report (property not condemnable); Eisenbeis thought the building & property could possibly be used as new fire station & ambulance building; Eisenbeis has spoken with Dan Anderson about the possibilities.

o   Police presence in City: Rob has spoken with Terry, there will be more presence to cut down on speeding & other issues

o   Tree Pile commercial dumping: burn permit obtained; Twamley to bury grass & anything that doesn’t burn completely; have until September to do the burn, & up to 10 days for actual burning.

o   Road to Lagoon: has been graveled by the township.

  • Committee Reports

o   Fire Department -  no report: B Eisenbeis is now Chief; A Eisenbeis is Deputy.

  • Budget Attached
  • Lost dispatch center—now through state radio
  • Starting fundraising—first fundraiser wb Burger Feed from 5pm-7pm on August 13, 2024 at Community Center.
  • Quote for electrical drop down cords: will city pay for this? Looking for another quote
  • Update on equipment: 1 truck failed $1000 to fix; another truck needs $6000 in repairs
  • Update on radio upgrade: original quote was excessive at $54,438.15, B Eisenbeis has negotiated it down to $44,000, re-examining it to see if it can be reduced further.
  • Hydrant testing: will take 3-4 days, citizens will need to be notified there may be pressure fluctuations

o   Rec Board – August agenda attached—no meetings in June or July

·Employees Report/Concerns

  • Greg:

o   Old fogger—stop advertising; just wait until spring to do an online auction of any equipment City wants to be rid of.

o   Advertising for assistant? following Job Services recommendation to change advertising to state $20-25 per hour to start doe, with bonus for achieving certifications; going to advertise in MN as well.

o   Knife River Street Repairs: excellent job; can’t do blacktop by D&K or on Stutsman due to big rig traffic.

o   Ramp Lights: 8/13 not working; Stateside Electric to give quote to switch to LED

o   Tower Repairs: bottom has been painted, vent installed on top; maybe 1 week left

o   Issues with S Pembina Inert Landfill: there has been some odd junk, but better than before

o   ND NDEQ Health inspector mandated additional repairs to water tower: this adds about $5000 to the painting project but is mandatory to comply; motion to approve by Connor. Second by Keith. All ayes. Motion carries.

·Engineer Report – Dustin Fanfulik

o   Lagoon/Lagoon Valve: funding discussed, SRF & PFA are only remaining options, 2% loan over 30 years $2,000,000. Preliminary report/quote on facility planning from engineering will cost $60,000 on top of that—there is a possible $15,000 refund available. Plan is good for 5 years. Snitker made motion to start process. Huttunen second. All ayes. Motion carries. 

o   Lidar Map update: field work is completed; next month will bring maps

·Attorney Update

o   Storage Unit Leases/Liability: Late fee wb $20; Application fee wb $50; all current “tenants” will have to re-execute, but not pay $50 for application fee. Fleming to make changes & send application form to Stoiber for use.

o   Applications for utility hookup: There should be a utility deposit unless you provide 3 years previous history showing you paid timely; increase connect fee to $250 for new build. Snitker made motion that the disconnect fee be changed to $50 & reconnect fee be changed to $50 for citizens past due on utility bills. Second by Carattini. 4 ayes, 2 nays by Watts & Norby. Motion carries.

o   Trailer Park Leases: fine as is, Fleming Dubois Fleming made Trailer Park Leases.

o   Professional Building Leases: need to discuss increase in rents next month

o   MidCo water tower lease changes/cancellation: Fleming to send letter of non-renewal due to static given Stoiber about non-payment by MidCo & no protection for City in MidCo’s contract.

o   Discussion on utility disconnections verbiage for non-payment –tabled to next month

o   Discussion on “late fees” on utility bills: There is supposed to be an early payment discount of 10% (so if one pays on time by 20th unless 20th falls on weekend, then by 4:30pm on Friday before, one receives 10% discount, otherwise one has to pay full amount of water bill); additionally, if one pays late there will also be a 1.75% interest rate charge charged. Tabled to next month. Stoiber to provide sample bill, find out what City is charged for water & what City charges for water.

o   Discussion about 332 N 2nd St letter in regards to last month’s motion to terminate services/add charges to non-compliant homeowners: homeowner wasn’t compliant, both Koropatnicki & Fitzgerald tried to get in & install meter, there wasn’t room. Homeowners are responsible to make area where meter is accessible. Letter sent by Stoiber was per Council directive. Homeowners now have AMR installed. Letter was effective.

o   Frank Moll Will Distribution: the distribution documents have been filed with judge & are awaiting his signature; hoping distribution wb this month.

o   Frank Moll Memorial Plaque—need dates & positions held, any other important info—no records at State or County level; Stoiber & Fleming still researching.

·Update&Business: Mayor/Mike Fitzgerald

o   Complaints about 163 W Hancock & 241-251 N 2nd St.: Overgrown with weeds, trees, & grass. Koropatnicki had discussion with 163—they are working on it, let them know there have been complaints. 241-251 Koropatnicki to go over & get mowing & some weed whacking done, & have weed killer applied by Skinner. City will bill owner for all work: $300 for City portion & actual amount by Skinner.

  • Update&Business:CityAuditor/Teri Stoiber

o   JulyBills& Financials + cash balance report: Motion to approve by Watts. Second by Norby. All ayes. Motion carries.

o   Delinquent Accounts Update: city is not a bank. City needs to discourage late/delinquent accounts—was able to collect $250 from 271 N 2nd St. in Aug. CBP & BPS now paid in full.  Down to $4196.78 in delinquent accounts. For July 19 billing deadline, had 9 accounts backdate their checks & deposit after 6pm on July 19. Mayor Fitzgerald waived fees one time only.

o   Building Permit approval: Schiltz deck, B Masloski siding, Needham windows; motion by Watts to approve all 3. Second by Huttunen. All ayes. Motion carries. In future will be dealt with outside of council meeting, to be handled by Building Committee.

o   City Ordinance 7.0224 states every person/entity that owns property within the City is to report all addresses they are in control of to the City Auditor & whether they are vacant lots ($13.20/month minimum/month) or residential/businesses ($68.12 minimum/month), for the purposes of utility billing. This is not currently happening. Have started sending out letters to property owners in preparation for software conversion, so we have current addresses & contact info & owned properties, & can bill appropriately.

o   City Water/Sewer Utility Policy clarification tabled to next month.

o   Have quote for Professional Building Sign: Frank Moll Professional Building; directed to get 2 additional quotes.

o   Working on a dedication plaque for Professional Building---In need of service dates as Mayor & City Council Member, dates at US Customs, & anything else that should be on the plaque. Have a photo of him.

o   Lakeside Fire & Safety Inc. Inspected Valley Landfill’s Garbage Truck extinguisher; per Huttunen Stoiber is to deduct from next Valley Landfill bill & include copy of invoice.

o   Utility Billing Software Research Update (would not go live until 1/1/25): Snitker made motion to go with Black Mountain. Carattini Second. All ayes. Motion carries.

o   Pembina County JDA 2024 Self-Help Program: up to $1500/project (2 projects maximum)—any suggestions as to projects as defined by the letter in paragraph 2? Tabled to next month.

o   Mosquito Fees (currently $1/month) & Lagoon Fees (currently calculating at 10% of water usage)  may need to be increased as costs have increased. Tabled to next month.

o   In checking w other city auditors, they charge for putting the minutes in the paper $.50/utility bill; also charge $3 per utility bill to help cover street lights. Tabled for this council.

  • New Business

o   Ken Norby (Building & Zoning Committee): Sidewalks? Enforcement? 253/273 W Rolette & the School took out sidewalks without permission from City & without pulling building permits—Stoiber to put on the website & app the information about when & why a building permit is needed. Balance of discussion tabled to next month.

o   Ken Norby: Increase building permit fee? Enforcement? Tabled to next month.

o   Ken Norby: Stoiber to put “Building permits required for any construction or demolition project” on water bills

o   Gaming Permit for Ambulance Service: motion to approve by Snitker; Second by Carattini. All ayes. Motion carries.

o   Sherri Carattini: Dam Modification project report: Fish & Game to cover entire cost with help from other entities; Council should watch video; project managers coming to Sept meeting to discuss further.

  • Motion to adjourn by Snitker at 7:49pm.
  • By: Mayor Fitzgerald
  • Attested to: T Stoiber, City Auditor
  • The next City Council Meeting will be held on September 9, 2024 at 5:30pm in the Professional Building.