July 2015 Minutes
Public Hearing on closing of ally
Hearing started @ 5:45 p.m. – No one from the public was present with objections and the Auditor did not receive any written objections on this matter. The council will vote on this during the regular meeting.
Official Minutes for July 13th, 2015, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, Corie Koropatnicki, Allen Huttunen, Council VP Greg Truax, President Greg Wilmer, Joan Studeny and Ron Fritz.
City Employees Present: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent.
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present: Brad Bail, Widseth Smith Nolting and Nate Dalager, HDR
Public: Al Huttunen.
Public Portion:
Al Huttunen – Let council know his wife Kelsey is looking at taking over the hair salon after Sue leaves. They have to purchase equipment and misc. items to start her salon up and would like to do some renovating in the salon suite. He was wondering if Council would waive a month of rent while this is being done since she won’t be open for business until it is finished.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:05 pm.
Changes to Agenda
- Ms. Koropatnicki added “trimming & speed bumps” under Employee Report/ Concerns and “Roof Pe court “under committee reports.
- Mr. Huttunen added “unkeeped Pe county properties” under Attorney.
- PWS Helland added “PCC corner” under” Engineer.
- Auditor Thompson added under PWS Supervisor ” under Employee Report/ Concerns
Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Mr. Wilmer to accept the agenda; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Changes to June Minutes
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Ms. Koropatnicki to accept June 8th minutes with changes and June 17th; Ayes to all present. Motion carries
Old Business
- Bret Corneliusen – We have not heard from him. The debris in front of his garage has been cleaned up. Jim Holmquist is gone to the lake for the summer so the city is unable to get the house inspected at this time.
o Action - Ms. Thompson will contact him to inspect house in the fall after school has started.
- Levee – Mr. Dalager gave the Council an update on where things are at with the levee project. It’s at about 99.8% of completion. The pay requests and change order were discussed. Mr. Helland has a few items that Up North needs to fix or finish up on.
o Action- Mr. Dalager will have Randy from HDR get in touch with Mr. Helland on this items.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Ms. Koropatnicki to accept pay request 2 from Red Lake Builders; Ayes to all present. Motion carries
Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Mr. Wilmer to accept pay request 8 from Up North; Ayes to all present. Motion carries
Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Huttunen to accept change order # 8; Ayes to all present. Motion carries
- Plasticom – Bill of sale has been signed and the earnest money paid. The title is done on the property and will be mailed certified to Plasticom to review.
- Natural Gas –Ms. Thompson has received the usage amount from the Border Patrol. The next step is a survey to city residents to see how many would be interested going to natural gas. Ms. Thompson is working on the survey to get it out to the public.
- Concession stand –Concession stand has been moved to city property on 5th St. The Department of Emergency Services (DES) was here Thursdays July 9th to take pictures showing the concession stand has been moved. Ms. Thompson let the council know she received a call Friday July 10th from DES telling her that the concert slab was considered part of the structure and has to be removed. MS. Thompson told them they had planned on putting picnic tables on it and using it as a picnic area. DES told her to draft a letter stating that it’s going to be used as a picnic area for FEMA and FEMA may allow it to stay. Mr. Helland was contacted by OTPC about the electric pole at the sites were the concession stand was and were it was moved to. The electric poles at each location had been hit and OTPC is wondering if it was the building movers.
o Action – Mr. Huttunen is going to look at this and contact OTPC after he has reviewed it at both locations.
- Tree pile – Waiting to hear back on this.
- Closing of Alley – There were no objections from the public.
Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Mr. Huttunen to accept the resolution vacating the alley lying between Lots 1-5 and 14-18, Block 30 in the city of Pembina. Ayes Koropatnicki, Huttunen, Fritz, Truax and Studeny. Nays Wilmer .Motion carries
Engineer Report/Brad Bail
- SRF Monies- City has received final loan payment and Spruce Valley has been paid in full.
- Community Center – Mr. Helland wants Mr. Bail to look at the corner of the Community Center again but more thoroughly.
o Action – Mr. Bail will have someone from WSN come look at it.
Attorney Update
- Professional Building Lease – Discussion was had on the lease. Mr. Fleming let the council know that the lease can be modified at will. Mayor Dorion wanted to know if the Auditor can do the modifying of the lease. MR Fleming said if directed by the council she can. The Council all agreed that the Professional Building lease or any modifying to it will be handled by Auditor.
- Waiver of Professional building rent - Council discussed waiving the rent.
Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Ms. Studeny to waive the salon suite rent for 2 month for Kelsey Huttunen. ; Ayes Studeny, Fritz, Truax, Wilmer, Koropatnicki. Nays none and Huttunen abstains. Motion carries.
- County Property – Mr. Huttunen was wondering who does the mowing and trimming on those properties in the city. Mr. Helland let him know that the city maintains this property.
Update & Business: Mayor
- New Rec Board members – Mayor appoints Matt & Justine Gruenberg to the rec board.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen., second by Ms. Koropatnicki to accept Mayors appointment of Matt & Justine Gruenberg to the Rec Board. Ayes to all present. Motion carries
Employee Report/Concerns
- Man holes – Mr. Hellandlet Council know there are issues with some of the man holes in town but he and Mr. Bail are working on this. There are also issues with some of the city sewer lines. They are going to need repairs in the near future.
- Tree by coulee on corner of 2nd & Chippewa- Mr. Helland discussed this with the Council. Council would like it looked at before a decision is made. Table until August meeting.
o Action - Ms. Thompson will contact someone to come look at the tree.
- PWS / Supervisors – Mr. Huttunen was wondering who Mr. Helland's direct supervisor is. The Mayor is his direct supervisor but he reports to the Auditor.
- Mosquitoes – Can’t get in all the areas with the pickup for spraying especial the low ground areas. This is where a ranger or 4 wheeler would make it easier for spraying those areas. Mr. Huttunen was wondering why Mr. Helland hasn’t sprayed down the alley by his place. Mr. Helland told him that’s a closed ally so he can’t.
- Smoke test – Smoke test is set for the week of August 10th. There will be door hangers that will be hung on city resident’s doors so they know what is going on. Flyers will be hung up with the same information as the door hangers. Ms. Thompson will forward the info to Ms. Dorion to be put on city website and Facebook page.
- Speed bumps- Ms. Koropatnickiwas wondering if the speed bumps in South Pembina were going to be put back down. Mr. Helland asked the Council if they wanted them back down, and after discussion it was decided that the speed bumps will not be put back down.
- Trimming city property – Ms. Koropatnickiwas wondering about some properties in town that need trimming and if they were the cities. Mr. Helland discussed those properties with council.
- Cracker sealer – Mr. Helland let the Council know he’s getting the oil from the county and it's a 720 pound tote instead of 55 gallon barrels. The county will be delivering it on Tuesday of this week. He wants to start crack sealing this week weather permitting.
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The June financial and July bills were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports: Growth
- Roof on garage @ Pe court – Insurance Company sent out paper work showing what and how much will be covered. Mr. Helland had two quotes for repairing the roof. Due to scheduling issues the lowest one is not able to do it, so Bakken Construction has been awarded the contract. They will also put new gutters and down spouts on the garage.
- Day care –Ms. Koropatnicki discussed with Council the progress that is being made.
Employee raises – A Personnel meeting was held earlier with employees to give evaluation and discuss raises. Raises will go into effect on July 16th.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Fritz togive Mr. Helland a pay raise of $1.50 per hr.; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Truax to give Ms. Thompson a pay raise of 4% (.66 cents per hr.). ; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
New Business -
Motion to be adjourned by Mr. Fritz at 7:45pm.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator