December 2015 Minutes
Unofficial Minutes for December 14th, 2015, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, Allen Huttunen, President Greg Wilmer, VP Greg Truax and Ron Fritz, Corie Koropatnicki, and Joan Studeny.
City Employees Present: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator & PWS Gary Helland
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present – Brad Bail, Widseth Smith Nolting &Nate Dalager, HDR
Public – Dawn Keelye with Red River Regional Council
Public Portion: Dawn was here to present Corie Koropatnicki the catalyst award for her efforts on the daycare.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:00 pm.
Changes to Agenda
Motion by Mr. Wilmer, second by Mr. Truax to accept the agenda; ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Changes to Nov Minutes
Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Wilmer to Nov 9th minutes; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Levee –Mr. Dalager reviewed with the Council the scope of services HRD will assist the city with on FEMA recertification of the flood protection system. Mr. Dalager didn’t have an actual cost for this yet due to some FEMA related things. Mr. Dalager will work with Ms. Thompson on trying to obtain cost share with NDSWC on this portion it.
- Bret Corneliusen –Tabled till may 2016
- Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled till May 2016.
o Action– Mr. Fleming will draft a letter this month to both gentlemen along with their follow up evaluation report.
- Spot Bar- No updates keep on old business until spring.
- Invisimax contract –Ms. Thompson has been in contact with them and discussed revision to their current contract and what the council would like added. They need to disuse those items and get back to her. They got back to Ms. Thompson and let her know they can’t give free It services because that a different part of the company. They can give free intent at the highest band width to all 3 location free of charge.
Motion by Mr. Wilmer, second by Mr. Huttunen to pay for the IT services through Invisimax and accept the free internet for the Community Center, City shop and Professional building at their max speed package. This contract will be good for a year and will be reviewed when the year is up; Ayes to all present. Motion carries
- Recycle bins –Mr. Helland discussed with Council the current Waste Management recycling bins and other recycling options to replace them. A new cardboard packer needs to be made if the decide to stay with Waste Management. If the city buys the material Jacob Wilmer has agreed to weld it for free.
Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Truax to stay with Waste Management for paper & cardboard recycling and to build a new cardboard packer ; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
- Mr. Helland & Mr. Bail meet on this. Mr. Helland & Mr. Bail will get a plan worked out on streets then present it to the Council.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming –
- Mr. Fleming drafted a resolution reducing the size of the Growth committee. His contact by Ms. Thompson about this because the Growth Committee was having a hard time getting a quorum for a meeting due to the large size. He also discussed Roberts Rules of order.
Motion by Ms. Koropatnicki, second by Mr. Huttunen to approve the Resolution reducing the Growth Committee from a 9 member committee to a 7 member Committee; Ayes to all present. Motion carries
Update & Business: Mayor-
- Agendas– Ms. Koropatnicki was wondering if it was possible to get the agenda Monday instead of waiting till Friday in their packets. Ms. Thompson said the official agenda isn’t ready till Friday because different things that come up during Council prep week that get added. Ms. Koropatnicki asked if a rough draft could be emailed Monday with the official one going into Friday packets.
o Action – Ms. Thompson will email a preliminary agenda on the Monday before the Council meeting with official agenda going in their Council packets.
Employee Report/Concerns
- Gary – Wilwand farms let he city use bucket truck to put up Christmas lights and will let the city use it to take them down.
- John Deere tractor Lease – Mr. Helland discussed the lease with Council and instead of leasing a tractor again to look at a skid stir
o Action – Mr. Helland to get bids & prices on this for Jan meeting.
- Snow Removal – Mr. Helland discussed snow removal route with Council and that he could find anything in writing on emergency route snow removal procedure.
o Action – Mr. Helland to draft a snow emergence removal route policy for Jan meeting.
- Contract snow removal service – Mr. Helland discussed with Council that Mr. Laducer has a hard breathing in the winter and they discussed him taking off during the winter from Dec 15 through March 15 and just contracting someone while he’s off to help with snow removal or if Grays going to be gone .
Motion by Mr. Wilmer, second by Mr. Huttunen to allow Mr. Laducer to be off from Dec 15- March 15 and come back on March 16th and contract Danny Stanhope to help with snow removal and other items on an as needed basis with a rate of $17.00 hr. ; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The Nov financials and Dec bills and Journal entries were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports: Growth
- Daycare provider- Jayme Henschel will be the provider.
- Daycare facility- They have looked at a few different locations and came to an agreement on one of those locations for the daycare facility.
- Daycare loan- The grant is @ 75% pay back so a loan will have to be taken out to cover the expense until the 75% cost reimbursement is paid to the city . This is tabled until Jan meeting.
Motion by Mr. Wilmer, second by Ms. Studney for the city to allow the Growth Committee to move forward on purchasing a property for the daycare and that the owner of the property will pay all special assessment on this property. Roll call vote; Ayes Studney, Koropatnicki, Fritz, Truax, Wilmer and Huttunen. Nays; none. Motion carries
Motion by Mr. Wilmer, second by Ms. Studney to allow the Growth Committee to purchase equipment and other needed daycare items without prior council approval up to their budget amount. (See attachment of budget) Roll call vote; Ayes Studney, Koropatnicki, Fritz, Truax, Wilmer and Huttunen. Nays; none. Motion carries.
New Business –
Motion to be adjourned by Mr. Fritz at 7:30pm.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator