City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of August 5, 2002 Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Pat Burton. Council: Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Warren Hillukka, Larry Pelletier, John Feldman, Jeff Carpenter.
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Dean Warner, Gary Helland, Ken Norby, George Motl
Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 by Mayor Burton.
1. Dean Warner – wants to construct a 32X42’ canvass over steel storage shed/garage on the property adjacent to his. Is willing to purchase the lot, and has spoken to the Corps of Engineers regarding usage. Attorney mentioned three areas of concern: zoning, building code, and public concern. Motion by Hillukka, second by Feldman, to allow Warner to purchase from the city for $1.00, a portion of lot 14 on block 42 as he so desires, but access to the coulee must not be impeded and any charges for the purchase (survey, new description, etc.) would be paid by Warner. Motion carried 100% voting aye.
2. Ron French – a)Questioned if the city would consider serving St. Vincent for sewer sometime in the future..possibly after 3 years. b) Discussed ditch filling in front of Trade N Post—culvert is plugged. Ken Norby questioned if culverts would be large enough capacity for peak flows.
Regular Meeting called to order 7:58 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda—Committee appointments, hay ride.
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to approve July minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
3. No Judges Report.
4. City Attorney Update: a) Polar Franchise agreement is basic, but recommends three changes: 1. Can only be assigned with City Council approval. 2. Will not unnecessarily impede traffic, and 3. all of section four from US West franchise agreement. Auditor to contact Polar to have their lawyer confer with our attorney. Motion by Hillukka, second by Feldman, to approve the franchise agreement with the changes suggested. Motion carried 100% voting aye. b) Atty. General’s opinion is that it is OK to grant payment in lieu of taxes for expanding businesses after construction began, and that the candidate with the high vote in a write-in election is the winner, regardless of the number of votes received. c) South Pembina deed restrictions are expected to be finished soon.
5. Employee Report: a) Time reporting: Upon presentation by auditor, time reporting will revert to weekly time sheets as previously, except that breaks will be noted. b) George: Problem with mixer solved temporarily. Also, Health Dept. had reviewed the plant & noted good operation. c) Retirement: Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to direct attorney to draw up a consultant contract, providing for up to four years of total benefits at a rate of $8,800/yr. in return for up to 400 hours of consultant services. Motion carried 100% voting aye. d) Ken: city crew is addressing ditches on streets that were torn up for the 2001 street project only, not on streets with overlay. Culverts are here for the 7th St. project-Twamley to complete. Also discussed Jerome St. and 6th St.; will investigate these further. Two fire hydrants were identified for work: replace at corner of Cavalier & Ramsey, raise at 2nd and Montraille. e) Gary: will have more training in water plant. Spoke about items needed to upgrade ball diamonds for tournaments. Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to take Gary off probation starting with August pay period. Motion carried 100% voting aye. f)Office Assistant: Need someone to update web site. Auditor directed to re-vamp job description & re-advertise. Panel to interview, including auditor, mayor, and councilmen Hillukka and Pelletier.
6. Mayoral Update: a) Air Base meeting – will not attend as it is Rodeo Weekend. b) Valley Landfill discussed findings from last board meeting. Rates need to go up as expenses have risen. Motion by Feldman, second by Hillukka, to raise what the city collects per household to $8.30/month, and 10% increase to commercial customers effective september1, first due Oct. 1. Motion carried 100% voting aye.
7. Aud./Aud. Update: a) July General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and Aug. bills to be paid presented; financials approved. b) Auditor directed to bill for sandbagger. c) Auditor presented sales tax collections for 2001 & 2002. Collections are down; will need watching.
8. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Bark chips are in; waiting for pea rock, small parts, and spring riders ( which Hetty Walker volunteered to re-paint ) for completion of S. Pembina playground. Group is doing concessions at rodeo dance and also for a “spookfest” in October in conjunction with the Museum. Possible hay ride discussed. b) Growth: Web site proposal approved.
9. Issues: a) Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to approve the committee roster as amended at the meeting. Motion carried.
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:40 p.m.
By: Pat Burton, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, city Aud/Adm