April 2017 Minutes
Official Minutes for April 10th, 2017 Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter, Corie Koropatnicki
City Employees Present: Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Absent: Brad Bail
Absent: Joan Studeny and Connor Snitker
Others present: Gordy Johnson/Northeast Water, Terry Blomquist, Crystal Volk, Phil Hall, and Richard Varecka
Public Portion
Crystal Volk inquiring about Northeast Regional Water, supervision of city worker, cash transactions and burn pile. Phil Hall inquiring about road repair, tree pile, garbage pickup, tool inventory and purchasing plan. Richard Varecka inquiring about purchasing Lots 14-18 of Block 60.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:14 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Under New Business add Richard Varecka and quoting facts in the Pembina New Era, under Employee add summer help, road patch, water rate audit hours and city tool inventory. Motion by Huttunen, second by Carpenter to accept the changes to agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Fritz, second by Huttunen to approve March meeting minutes; Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Levee- Nate brought map showing interior drainage. Updated on project and FEMA. Motion by Huttunen, second by Fritz to approve the letter of map revision with map submission to FEMA along with the rest of the data submission and approve the $9000 fee to submit to FEMA to finalize this project. Roll call. Ayes: Huttunen, Koropatnicki, Carpenter and Fritz. Absent and not voting: Studeny and Snitker. Motion Carries.
- Bret Corneliusen –Tabled.
- Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled.
- Spot Bar- Tabled.
- Tree Pile- Discussion on what needs to be done before opening. Motion by Huttunen, second by Carpenter to open up the tree pile on a tentative basis with fencing working with Gary to get caps set in place dividing to put branches and trees on one side and leaves and grass on another, putting up the 2 cameras to monitor and appropriate signage. Ayes all present. Motion carries. Motion by Huttunen second by to charge a first time fine for illegal dumping of $500, second offense $1000 and $1000 every time after that. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
- Northeast Regional Water contract-Gordy Johnson here to discuss Pembina’s contract. Presented council with 2017 Annual Report and a breakdown of monthly water bill. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Huttunen to modify the Water Purchase Contract between Northeast Regional Water District and the City of Pembina to 3%, 3%, true up pending Rob’s legal approval of contract. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
- Part time Public Works- Tabled.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
Nothing new at this time. Asked council about streets that need to be repaired. Council advised him to come up with cost for repairs to the section of south 5th Street that is damaged to present to council at next month’s meeting.
Council person Snitker arrived at 7:20 p.m.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
Motion by Huttunen, second by Snitker to allow Chelsea Hansen to clean out the garage provided she pays in advance for any dumpster fees. Ayes all present. Motion Carries.
Employee Report/Concerns-
- Badge for port – Government is requiring badge update for Gary to go to port and federal building in town to read meters. Motion by Snitker, second by Huttunen to have Gary go to Fargo to get new badge. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Order meters- Have approximately 15 meters that need to be replaced and need to keep some on hand. Motion by Huttunen, second by Snitker to order 20 meters. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Road patch- Motion by Snitker, second by Carpenter to purchase 2 pallets (50 bags/pallet) of road patch. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Summer help- Gary inquired if age limit and residency stipulations as his father is interested. Lisa has advertisement submitted for this week’s paper and will be putting on face book and website.
- Water rate audit hours- Gary helped Lisa pull costs from past 5 years to submit for water rate audit from NDRW.
- Tool Inventory- Last inventory done in 2015. Council advised public works to do an inventory once a year in the winter months when slower.
Update & Business: Mayor –No new business
Update & Business: City Auditor
- The March financials and April bills were reviewed and approved.
- 2015 Audit- Has been submitted to the State and approved.
- UTV’s- Discussion on UTV’s and ATV’s on city streets. Rob will draw up an ordinance for review for May’s meeting.
- Pep Crotty lot purchase- Motion by Fritz, second by Snitker to sell Brett Crotty Lot 12, BLK 8 OT that is owned by the City of Pembina for $1.00. Ayes: Koropatnicki, Carpenter and Fritz. Nayes: Huttunen. Motion carries.
- GSA federal building- Lisa informed council of a credit that will be applied to the federal building account due to them changing out the meter without our knowledge and no longer using our meter which is against our contract. They are unable to locate our old meter. From the calculated credit the cost of the missing meter and a new meter that needs to be reinstalled will be deducted. They also need to reinstall our meter.
Committee Reports:
New Business
- Richard Varecka-Looking to purchase Lots 14-18, BLK 60. Council requested a proposal from Richard.
- Facts in Pembina New Era- Al inquired about incorrect facts being put in the Pembina New Era by someone other than the city. Rob advised no need to put a correction in the paper.
Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 8:12 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: _________________________________
Lisa Plante, Auditor/Administrator