Unofficial Minutes for July 10th, 2023, Pembina City Budget Meeting and Council Meeting
Budget Meeting – Planning the 2024 budget
Date: June 10th, 2023, at 5:30 pm
Location: Professional Building
Present: Jeff Watts, Connor Snitker, Pat Burton, Renee Thomas, Ken Norby, Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, Al Huttunen
Guests: Sherri Carattini, Greg Koropatnicki, Rob Fleming
- Meeting called to order at 5:32 by Mayor Mike Fitzgerald. Jeff Watts presented the charts he made earlier in the day for previous years’ mils and proposed mils for this budget. After some discussion, new mils were set for 2024. Jeff made a motion to accept new mils. Seconded by Pat Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries. Sherri will prepare the document to send to Linda Schlittenhard.
- Mike Fitzgerald sets the public budget hearing for September 11th.
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:55. Seconded by Renee.
- Meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.
City Council Meeting
Date: June July 10h, 2023, at 6:00pm
Location: Professional Building
Present: Jeff Watts, Connor Snitker, Pat Burton, Renee Thomas, Ken Norby, Al Huttunen, Mayor Mike Fitzgerald
Guests: Sherri Carattini, Greg Koropatnicki, Rob Fleming, Brad Bail, Lee Caribou (Widseth), Ben Kneeshaw, DeWilliam Moore, Dustin Shambaugh (RDO)
Public Meeting: 6:01 pm – Guest Mr. Moore addresses water bill issues that began over a year ago.
Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm
Changes to Agenda: Move Dustin from RDO to start of meeting. Add Mr. Moore to start of meeting. Add water heater to new business. Add City Audit to old business. Add Employee Evals to new business. Move Cleaning Day to Garbage/Recycling. Move Tower Cleaning to Greg’s report. Add culvert/ditch to Greg’s report. Motion to approve changes by Watts, Seconded by Huttunen. Five ayes, one nay. Motion carries.
Approval/Changes to June’s Minutes: Motion to approve minutes as presented by Watts, seconded by Huttunen. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Mr. Moore – Sherri will go to billing history and come up with a new balance. Motion to approve by Snitker, seconded by Huttunen. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Dustin Shambaugh – presented two different quotes for loader. After some discussion, council asked Dusting come up with some updated quotes offering differing scenarios. Dustin will work with Greg and have something to present at the next meeting.
Old Business
- Garbage/Recycling/Clean Up Day – Huttunen stated that no further progress was made toward setting up a clean-up day. He also mentioned that, since the last Council meeting, Valley Commercial rates were revised and lowered. Watts asked if anything could be done about parcel people dumping their empty boxes at DFA. After discussion, no action was taken.
- Lagoon Update – Greg mentioned that it was drained and sprayed.
- Automated Water Meter Readers – No updates on pricing had yet been provided to Sherri. Sherri will start looking for loans to purchase the new readers. Mr. Bail suggesting looking at PFA.
- Knife River Street Repairs – Greg said that it will be about 6 weeks before Knife River gets to Pembina to begin repairs.
- House Condemnations:
o 422 N 5th St – Rob Fleming stated that, although the new owner seemed open to deeding it back to the city, the city will continue to hold to the current condemnation timetable.
o 251 2nd Street – Sherri presented a letter from the current owner stating that the property had been purchased from the city. The council was not aware it was a city property – and suggested it might have been a county property. The owner also requested 9-12 months to deal with the condemnation and asked for the city to assist with the demolition. After some discussion, the council decided to hold to the current condemnation timetable and not take any further action.
- Daycare – Mike mentioned that Darcy Reis had someone potentially interested in taking over, but that cleaning and repairs would need to be completed before re-opening. Sherri said she would contact Darcy to see if there was any further information on this.
- Pembina County 2023 Self-Help Application – Tabled while council looks into the option for building a Safe Routes to School Sidewalk.
- Audit – Jeff mentioned that there was talk last of having an auditor come in to assist. Rob stated that the person discussed was no longer available. Rob suggested that Sherri see if the ND League of Cities might be able to provide some assistance.
Committee Reports
- Fire Department – No Report – Blaine was absent.
- Rec Board – Huttunen stated they were looking at coaches’ fees – whether to keep remaining salary or update.
Employees Report/Concerns –
- Service Estimate for Dodge Pickup – Greg presented a quote for $4000 in repairs. Huttunen made a motion to approve the quote. Seconded by Snitker. Five ayes, one nay. Motion carries.
- Tower Cleaning – scheduled for Tuesday, July 11th, after 12:00 noon. Greg also mentioned that the valves had been covered by dirt and gravel and we will need to have them hydro-vacced to get to them. Greg stated he already scheduled for that to take place.
- Culvert/Ditch – one resident has been working on installing a new culvert, but it doesn’t seem to be functioning as dirt and debris and water is collecting at the end of the driveway and is not draining properly. Rob mentioned that the permit is revocable if the repairs aren’t completed in a timely manner.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail – Brad stated he had been in contact with Scott from Fish and Game. Brad presented photos of rock rapids dams that had been built in other cities. The council was open to doing the same in Pembina and asked Brad work with Scott to provide a proposal at the next meeting to begin this project.
Attorney Update – no further updates
Update & Business: Mayor – no updates
Update & Business: City Auditor/ Sherri Carattini
- June Bills & Financials – Motion to approve financials by Watts, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
New Business
- Repair fence at shop – both Mike and Al had been in contact with individual responsible for repair. This individual promised to have repair completed by end of July according to Greg’s specifications.
- Catholic Church dumpster – 1.5 yard, available for sale or donation
- Water Heater in Professional Building – Sherri mentioned reset issues and that the heater was purchased in 2008. Motion to purchase new water heater by Norby. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Employee Evaluations - tabled
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 7:15 PM by Thomas.
By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: Sherri Carattini, City Auditor
The next city council meeting will be held on August 14th, 2023, at 6:00pm in the Professional building. This will be preceded by a Special Meeting at 5:30 to discuss the budget.