Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Special Meeting Minutes June 27th, 2011 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council John Feldman, Greg Wilmer, Pat Burton, Debbie Stanhope & Kyle Dorion
Absent Council Beverly Burke
Present: Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson
Others Present:
Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka 6:30p.m
Council discussed hiring a person for summer help. There has been a lot of rain this summer, and the water sewer project is taking a lot of the public works time. The trimming in the city isn’t getting caught up
1: Motion by Wilmer Second by Dorion to hire on a as needed basis one person for summer help with a wage of $8.50 an hour. Ayes, Dorion, Stanhope, Wilmer Nays, Burton, and Feldman Motion carries. Auditor will put ad in paper for summer help position. Jacob Wilmer will be temporary summer help until the Personnel committee meets to go over job applications for this position. Personnel committee will meet July 11th before the council meeting to go over applications .Then their recommendation can be given to Council that night.
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 6:50p.m
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator