
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

June 2015 Minutes


Official Minutes for June 8th, 2015, Pembina City Council Meeting

Council Members Present:  Mayor Kyle Dorion, Corie Koropatnicki, Allen Huttunen, Council VP Greg Truax, Joan Studeny and Ron Fritz.


Absent:  President Greg Wilmer



City Employees Present:   Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland, Public Works Superintendent.



City Attorney Present:  Rob Fleming


City Engineer Present: Brad Bail, Widseth Smith Nolting


Public: Matt & Beth Misson, Warren Hillukka, Frank Moll and Terri Bloomquist.


Public Portion:  

Warren Hillukka –Was here to discuss the closing of the tree dump with the Council.


Matt & Beth Mission - Were here about the property that was Ernie’s on Rolette .The property was sold to a company out of Winnipeg. Matt and Beth are looking to buy it. They had a question on getting the cars removed and the rubbish that has been left on the property.  The City ordinances on this states the sheriffs  dept. may remove or cause to be removed any junk or abandoned vehicles , trash, building materials and rubbish from unenclosed private property after having notified the owner  or occupant of such property of its intention to do so at least 48 hours  prior to removal. Such notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the vacant or unoccupied property.


o   Action- Mr. Fleming will contact sheriff’s department to proceed with this.




Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:30 pm.



Changes to Agenda


  • Ms. Koropatnicki added “Mosquitos” under Employee Report/ Concerns and “Roof Pe court “under committee reports.
  • Mr. Huttunen added “Rent Professional Building” under Employee Report/Concerns.
  • Mayor Dorion added “Road Repair” under update and business:  Mayor.




Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Fritz to accept the agenda; ayes to all present.  Motion carries.




Changes to May Minutes


Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Mr. Truax to accept May’s minutes with changes; Ayes to all present.  Motion carries



Old Business


  • Bret Corneliusen – He is supposed to be working on his house during the first week in June. The Council has set a deadline date for June 15th, 2015 for everything on his house inside and out to be done and Mr. Fleming let him know this.


  • Levee – Ms. Thompson updated the Council on the project.


  • Plasticom – Mr. Fleming emailed them after last month’s meeting and has not heard back.


  • Natural Gas –Ms. Thompson contacted Border Patrol and Customs and received the usage amount from Customs but not from Border Patrol.


  • Concession stand –Mr. Huttunen informed the Council that the concession stand will be moved to city property on 5th St.




Engineer Report/Brad Bail

  • Lagoon –Mr. Bail looked at the lagoon the maintenance is done and just the fencing is left.
  • SRF Monies- City had not received final loan payment on this because the state keeps changing numbers on the paperwork.
  • Community Center – Mr. Bail looked at the corner of the Community Center in the ally on the ambulance side to watch it and make sure it doesn’t sink. The back door of the kitchen the cement slab just needs to be grinded down.



Attorney Update


Update & Business:  Mayor

  • Road repair –Mason Peters was wondering if the gravel road by his place will be fixed after the levee project is done.  The Council all agreed that the road will be repaired after the Levee project is done.




Employee Report/Concerns


  • Lagoon – Mr. Hellandtalked about having a sludge judgement on the lagoon. The Council all agreed for this to be done.


  • Summer help – One more employee is needed so the crack sealing can get done and the mowing can stay caught up.


  • Mosquitoes – Mr. Helland has started spraying for them. Ms. Koropatnicki was wondering if we can offer dunks and bits for the public to come and get to put in any standing water they may have on their property to help control mosquito’s larvacide. Yes, the public can come and get one of those items. The Council would like them to come to the city office to get them so Ms. Thompson can write down who got and what property they are using it on so there’s no doubling on properties.


o   Action - A poster will be put up letting public know this and be put on the city Facebook page & web site.


  • Employee raises – A personnel meeting is set for July 13th at 5 pm for this.


  • Smoke test /sewer – Mr. Helland would like this done as we have a lot of ground water in our sewer system and this checks the sewer lines to see if we have any leaks.


Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Truax have NDRW do the smoke test on the sewer lines. ; Ayes to all present .Motion carries.


Mower – The old John Deere mower is 14 years old and has 3,310 miles on it and it keeps overheating. Mr. Helland discussed with Council about getting a new one and trading off the old John Deere and the McCormick mowers.


Motion by Mr. Truax, second by Ms. Studeny to buy the zero turn 970 gas John Deere mower.  Ayes to all present .Motion carries.



  • Cracker sealer – Mr. Helland let Council know Brian Matheson public works employee from Walhalla came down to show him how to run the cracker sealer since they have the same one.



  • Professional Building – The central air went out and Humbles Heating & A /C came and looked at it and both units are shot and needed to be replaced.  Two new units have been installed but while they were installing the new central air units they found 3 cracks in the furnace and red flagged it. Ms. Thompson Had Mr. Helland come look at the furnace and he said there were 3 cracks. So a new furnace was ordered and installed at the same time the new central air was being done.  To do this was a big expense for the professional building and to cover the cost a loan is needed. The Council also discussed the rate of rent in this building as it hasn’t been increased for 6 years.


Motion by Mr. Huttunen to increase the rent at the professional building by 10% of their current rent rate. Motion dies due to lack of a second.


Motion by Mr. Fritz, second by Ms. Studeny to increase the rent at the professional building by 15% of their current rent rate to go in effect August 1, 2015.; Ayes to all present .Motion carries.


Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Ms. Koropatnicki totake out a 5 year loan with CSB to cover the repair expense at the Professional building and to pay the loan off soon as possible. ; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.


Update & Business:  City Auditor

  • The May financial and June bills were reviewed and approved.


  • Beer & Liquor license renewal – The Council needs to approve a yearly renewal of these.


Motion by Mr. Huttunen, second by Mr. Truax toapprove the renewal of Corner Bar, DFA, Lamoure Golf course and Kern- Thompson post #77 American Legion Yearly Beer & liquor license. ; Ayes to all present. Motion carries.


Committee Reports: Growth


Roof on garage @ Pe court – The adjuster was here and looked at it and he put it as a total loss. Now we are just waiting to see how much insurance will cover for it to be fixed.


  • Day care –Ms. Koropatnicki discussed with Council the progress that is being made on this and would like the Council's approval on the following items.


o   PGC is authorized to finance low or zero interest loan from Pembina County JDA for the cost of a daycare facility. Loan payments are to be made from Pembina Growth Committee’s monthly revenues from the Pembina growth fund (10% of sales tax) and Pembina Court income.


o   Pembina City council approved up to $10,000 contribution from PGC funds towards the 25% cash match for the ND Commerce child care grant.  JDA will match city/PGC portion not to exceed $10,000. This would be required upon grant application approval and award.


o   Lot rent from the Pembina Court for 2 lots and 1 garage if available to be used for daycare site and thereby waiver of fees.


Motion by Ms. Studeny, second by Ms. Koropatnicki to approve the above Pembina Growth committee recommendations. ; Ayes to all present .Motion carries.


New Business



Tree pile – Discussion was had on this by the Council. Before they make any decisions on this, they want to get some information from the State Health department.


o   Action – Ms. Thompson will call the State Health dept.



Motion to adjourn by Mr. Fritz at 8:00pm.




             By:  ___________________________________

                     Mayor, Kyle Dorion





Attested to:  _________________________________  


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator