
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

January 8th Minutes

UnOfficial Minutes for January 8, 2024, Pembina City Budget Meeting and Council Meeting

Date: January 8th, 2024, at 6:00pm

Location: Professional Building

Present: Renee Thomas, Al Huttunen (by phone until 7:26, then in person), Jeff Watts, Ken Norby, Connor Snitker, Mayor Mike Fitzgerald

Absent: Pat Burton

Guests: Sherri Carattini, Greg Koropatnicki, Brad Bail, Rob Fleming, Pete Huttunen, Ben Kneeshaw, Trevor Kneeshaw, Lyndi Needham, Doug Steinmetz, Tanya Rivera


Public Meeting: 6:00 pm – Trevor Kneeshaw informed council he bought Patty Dexter’s place. Didn’t realize there was a $970 unpaid water bill that had been sent to the county to be added to taxes. Asked council if the city could help. Mayor Mike added it to the New Business for council to discuss.


Regular Meeting called to order at 6:06 pm

Changes to Agenda: Add tower pump and grinder pump under Greg; add Trevor Kneeshaw to new business; add NE Regional Water to Rob; Bump Daycare, Ottertail, & Mid-Central Medical to top of agenda. Motion to approve changes by Watts. Seconded by Snitker. All ayes present. Motion carries.

Approval/Changes to December 11th Minutes: Motion to approve minutes and changes as presented by Thomas, seconded by Norby. All ayes present. Motion carries.


Old Business:               

  • Garbage/Recycling/Clean Up Day – Tabled
  • Daycare – Tanya Rivera received copy of contract prepared by Rob. Signing/acceptance of contract tabled until February meeting. Ms. Rivera also mentioned she is working on a license that will permit her to have upwards of 30 children; this will take 4-6 weeks. She asked if she could begin enrollment process and council approved.
  • Ottertail Franchise Second Reading – motion to approve contract by Snitker, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present, motion carries. Document was signed, copied, and returned to Mr. Steinmetz.
  • Mid-Central Medical Property Expansion Proposal – Trevor Kneeshaw presented a map to the council outlining proposed changes to property. This would require moving current water lines or installing new ones. Brad Bail said he would get back with prices as soon as possible.
  • Lagoon – Tabled
  • Automated Water Meter Readers – Still awaiting IT from Ferguson to set up Banyon. All of Greg’s reading equipment has arrived. Once everything is in place, Greg and Sherri are expected to be trained.
  • Fish & Game/Widseth Rock Dam – no updates; Mayor Mike will reach out to Scott.
  • Spot Bar Lot – Motion by Snitker to advertise for sale; accepting bids; city has a right to reject any and all bids. Seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
  • City Council Help – Snitker made a motion to advertise for a full-time public works assistant, with a minimum starting salary of $20.00 per hour, negotiable upon experience. Seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.


Committee Reports:

  • Fire Department –

o   Pete Huttunen shared quotes for new garage doors. Motion by Snitker to purchase from Blake. Seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.

  • Rec Board – no updates; Al mentioned that Easter planning is coming up


Employees Report/Concerns:

  • Greg –

o   Tower pump – Greg asked for a quote to purchase a new pump.

o   Grinder pump – all is well


Engineer Report:

  • No further updates


Attorney Update:

  • Rob Fleming shared that the city received a letter from NE Regional Water stating they would be increasing their rates. Rob said that the city has a contract with them and this raise in rates would breech the terms of that contract. Rob sent them a letter stating as such, however, no there was no response. Watts made a motion to send an invitation for one of their representatives to attend our next meeting to address this. Seconded by Norby. All ayes present. Motion Carries.
  • Rob also clarified that water bills paid by the due date are actually receiving a 10% discount. Any bills paid after the due date means they are paying the full price for services.
  • 422 N. 5th Street – although there was interest by a resident to purchase the property, Watts made a motion for the city to keep the property in the city’s name and for the city to pay for the demolition of the structures. Seconded by Huttunen. All ayes present. Motion carries.


Update & Business: Mayor – no updates


Update & Business: City Auditor/ Sherri Carattini

  • December Bills & Financials – Motion to approve financials by Huttunen, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
  • Delinquent Accounts – certified letters to be sent. Honeycutt to be added to taxes in November if not paid in full by then.


New Business:

  • Pay Mr. Norby for Assisting Greg – Huttunen made a motion for the council to authorize Mr. Norby  to become an on-call employee as needed, for $27/hour. Also, that Mr. Norby is to be paid for his work the past two weeks – also at $27/hour. Seconded by Watts. Roll call vote: 4 ayes, Norby abstained, Burton absent. Motion carries.
  • Historical Reenactor Campers February 10th – motion to approve by Huttunen, seconded by Watts. All ayes present. Motion carries.
  • Trevor Kneeshaw/Patty Dexter Water Bill taxes – after much discussion, this was tabled until the next meeting


Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 7:49 PM by Thomas.


By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald                                                                                  

Attested to: Sherri Carattini, City Auditor


The next city council meeting will be held on February 12th, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Professional building.