City Council Reorganization Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka; Council: Kyle Dorion, Beverly Burke, John Feldman. Absent: Debbie Stanhope Present: Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, Nancy Thompson
Others Present: Greg Wilmer
Reorganization Meeting called to order @ 6 p.m. by council president Feldman.
Oath of office administered to newly elected council members Greg Wilmer and Kyle Dorion · Meeting recessed @ 6:05
Special meeting was called to order by council president Feldman @ 6:06.
1. Kirbys decided not to pursue business in Pembina. Meeting recessed.
Reorganization Meeting reconvened @ 6:15 p.m. by Mayor Hillukka
Appointments made by the Mayor: Kathy Johnson, Aud./Adm.; Neil Fleming City Attorney & Dan Johnson City Engineer. Committee appointments also made. Motion by Dorion second by Feldman to accept appointments. Motion carries unanimously. ·
Motion by Dorion second by Burke to re-elect Feldman as council president. Motion carries unanimously. ·
Motion by Feldman second by Dorion to re-elect Burke as council vice-president. Motion carries unanimously. ·
Reorganization meeting adjourned. Special meeting was reconvened.
2. Motion by Dorion, second by Wilmer to accept the second reading & final passage of the liquor ordinance as amended. Roll call vote. Voting aye: Dorion, Burke, Feldman, Wilmer. Voting nay: none. Absent & not voting: Stanhope. Motion carries
3. Motion by Feldman second by Dorion to purchase a new lift station pump. Motion carries unanimously.
4. Discussion on Aud./Adm position to be 40hrs a week. Run ads with July 9th deadline.
5. Fish grinder was under warranty and is fixed.
6. Motion by Feldman second by Wilmer to pay additional bills. Motion carries unanimously
7. Motion by Feldman second by Dorion to accept Resolution on NSF checks with a fee of $35.00. Roll call vote. Voting aye: Dorion, Burke, Feldman, Wilmer. Voting nay: none. Absent & not voting: Stanhope. Motion carries.
8. Motion by Dorion, second by Wilmer to accept liquor license renewals as paid by the deadline June 30th. . Motion carries unanimously.
9. Council recommends not paying second quarter police contract.
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 7:30 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator