
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

June 2014 Minutes

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

Official Minutes June 9th, 2014 City Council Meeting



Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion; Council – John Feldman, Bev Burke, Debbie Stanhope, Greg Truax and Dan Waldrop

Absent: Greg Wilmer

City Employees Present: Auditor Nancy Thompson and Public Works Ken Norby.

City Attorney: Rob Fleming.

City Engineer:  Brad Bail.


  • Others Present: Corie Koropatnicki, Nate Dalager /HDR, Gary Helland, Tom & Brenda Masloski , Warren Hillukka , Ron Fritz and Kathy Johnson


Public Portion

  • Tom & Brenda Masloski –Here about the parking lot at their commercial property and the core sampling of it.
  • Ron Fritz & Kathy Johnson –Both were here about tress located on city property. The property is located next to Kathy Johnson house on the corner of 2nd and Chippewa Street by the coulee. Kathy wants to remove some of the trees and Ron would like them to remain.
  • Regular Meeting:  Called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:10 p.m.


  1. Changes / Addition Made Agenda:      

    Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to accept changes / additions to agenda. - Ayes by all present.


  2. Approval/ Changes March Minutes:

      Motion by Waldrop second by Truax to approve the May12th minutes and June 3rd minutes 17th.

       Ayes by all present.

3. Old Business:

  • Levee –Council discussed the levee project Alt 2 along with funding for the project with Nate Dalager and Warren Hillukka. Motion by Feldman second by Burke to rebid Alt 2 and break into Alt2 B -Embankment dirt work and Alt2 C- Embankment Misc Infrastructure. Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Truax andWaldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer. Motion carried. Nate will put together and article for the paper updating the community on the levee project .


  • Bret Corneliusen – Rob will send a letter stating he has until July 14th to fix his house. - keep on old business
  • Coin operated Water Station- Still being worked on.- keep on old business
  • Red River approach –A letter was sent and their looking at July to fix this. - keep on old business
  • Fed Ex Sewer hookup – A letter was sent and they are looking for a contractor to do the hook up. - keep on old business
  • Spot Bar –City has purchased this property and will discuss at Julys meeting what to do with it.
  • Ernie Ruet D’auetuil – The garage located on his property on 3rd needs to be tore down and hauled out.  – Keep on old business
  • Additional light at boat ramp – Nothing will be done at this time.


4. Engineer Report/Brad Bail:

  • Masloski Parking lot – Council and Brad discussed Masloski commercial parking lot and the coring sample .The public was asked to leave and the Council went into executive session at 7:01 p.m. due to legal litigation and needing Attorney consultation on the matter. Executive session adjourned 7:08 p.m. the public was called back in and the Council went back into the regular meeting. Motion by Feldman second by Waldrop to have Midwest testing do the coring samples on Masloski parking lot.  Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Truax and Waldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer. Motion carried. 







5. Attorney Update:

  • Masloski Parking lot Rob drew up consent to enter and obtain core samples agreement with Tom Masloski. This gives the city of Pembina and WSN permission to enter onto his property for the core sampling. Tom will get a copy of the result from the core sampling.


6. Employees Report/Concerns – Kendiscussed unauthorized person spraying for broadleaf on city property. Only a person with a license for this can spray. Unauthorized spraying on city property is prohibited.


7. Update & Business: Mayor

  • Drainage –Would like the culvert by Mike Rude looked at to see what can be done so it drains. Ken will talk to Kyle Twamley about looking at it. Motions by Feldman second by Stanhope to have Twamley fix the culvert or the ditch by Mike Rude so it drains. Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Truax and Waldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer. Motion carried. 



8 Update & Business: City Auditor/ Nancy Thompson

  • May 2014 Financials - financials reviewed and approved.
  • June 2014 bills bills reviewed and approved
  •  Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to approve the renewal  of Corner Bar, DFA, Lamoure Golf course and Kern- Thompson post#77 American Legion  Yearly Beer & liquor license. Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Truax and Waldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer. Motion carried. 
  • Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to approve the renewal of Friends of Neche Fire department yearly gaming permit.  Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Truax and Waldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer. Motion carried. 
  • Motion by Waldrop second by Stanhope to allow the Corner bar an extension the Beer & Liquor License to serve outside on July 4th, 2014 during the street dance. .  Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke, Truax and Waldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer. Motion carried. 


9. Committee Reports:

10. New Business:

  • City Trees –Motion by Waldrop Second by Truax for the tress on city property located next to Kathy Johnson house on the corner of 2nd and Chippewa street by the coulee not be removed.  Ayes, Feldman, Stanhope, Burke and Waldrop Nays: none absent and not voting, Wilmer.  Motion carried. 
  • Mosquito control- The city is spraying for them. Burke brought in an article with tips on how to help keep the mosquito down in your neighborhood. Nancy will put something like this together for the paper .




11. Adjournment: Motion by Burke to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.




                                                      By: ___________________________________

                                                               Mayor, Kyle Dorion  





Attested to:  _________________________________  


                  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator