Official Minutes for June 14th, 2021, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, President Jeff Watts, Greg Koropatnicki, Jennifer Martin, Pat Burton and Allen Huttunen
Absent: VP Ron Fritz
City Employees Present: Lisa Hall/Auditor, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer: Brad Bail
Others present: Blaine Eisenbeis-PFD Chief, Brent Symington, Connor & Marcela Snitker, Austen & Kelsey Rohlk, Ashley Johnson, Jennifer Krom, Kacie Huguley, Darcy Reis, Phil Hall and Tara Emerson.
Public Portion- Brent Symington here to ask about taking down trees on 4th Street. He would like to remove the 2 rows trees on east side and replant appropriate ones. Phil Hall here about a large pothole by his house. Others here to show their support of Kacie and Village Childcare. Daycare is requesting another year of no rent or utilities like in current lease. Kacie informed council if it isn’t extended she would be closing the doors as she isn’t making enough yet. She officially has obtained her license and would like the extra year being able to have more children and qualify for food program. Huttunen arrived at 6:11 pm.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Fitzgerald at 6:22 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Change April minutes to May under approval/changes to minutes, add Phil’s street under engineer, add Brent Symington under new business and add grass on the street under old business. Motion by Burton second by Koropatnicki to approve agenda with changes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Martin,second by Huttunen to approve May’s meeting minutes with changes. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
- Ambulance budget- Have not received detailed breakdown of wages paid out yet. Ambulance did verbally tell Lisa $400 per month for office help and the rest was on call pay and pay for going out on the call.
- Budget-Lisa presented a list of transfers
- 5th Street Parking- Give Livingston’s more time to rectify complaint.
- Rental Dumpster Repairs- Motion by Watts second by Huttunen to get the metal to weld the dumpsters. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Grass in street- Burton brought up that city employees need to also be careful about not getting it on street as well. Gary informed him at the location by wall he had blown inward but with how narrow it is and with the curb it doesn’t blow back up into grass.
- Daycare- Motion by Huttunen second by Martin to renew the existing lease for another year. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Committee Reports:
- Fire Department- Chief Eisenbeis informed council they received the grain bin rescue grant that Lisa submitted with the assistance of Ronda Warner. The grant provides for on-site training and the equipment will be the fire departments after. The equipment is valued at approximately $15,000 to $18,000 that the department keeps after. Fireworks this year will depend on fire bans the day of. If there is a ban it is the same fine for lighting fireworks as if someone starts a fire. He is able with right circumstances to allow for the fireworks display.
Employee Report/Concerns-
- Old Ottertail water access- Depending on what is found when the curb stop is dug up replacement cost will be $500-$1,500. Motion by Burton second by Watts to have Thorlakson start work. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Spot bar weeds- Gary went to mow down the weeds today but it had already been done. Now that they are cut down he will spray the weeds.
- O&M Training- Motion by Huttunen second by Martin to send Gary for the training in Park River. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Bulk Water- A company called Michael’s is needing approximately 100,000 gallons a day of water for the pipeline construction. Gary checked with the city’s supplier to make sure system can handle and they will just increase gallons per day they send us. Motion by Burton second by Watts to charge $30 per thousand gallons. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Watts leaves meeting 7 p.m.
- Campground – Gary informed council of the possibility of protestors trying to camp here.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail –
- Pembina River Bridge- If the city doesn’t do anything and the bridge cannot be inspected it will be closed for lack of load limit. Brad will bring different options to next meeting.
- Sewer drain hole- Brad and Gary went around and looked at the catch basins and what repairs need to be done..
- Moorhead St (Crotty) - Brad looked at property lines and right of ways and did not find any reason Wade Crotty would not be able to put a garage in the spot he was asking about. Mayor Fitzgerald advised Lisa to go ahead and approve the building permit when Wade comes in.
- Phil Hall- Brad will look at pot hole by Phil’s house and include it in with the other locations to repair.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming-
- Update condemned buildings- Will have zoom meeting at July meeting with home owners of the condemned houses. After this hearing we will be able to move forward.
- Resolution for auditor’s bond- Motion by Burton second by Koropatnicki to accept the auditor’s bond resolution for $400,000. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Water board complaint- The board is going to having a meeting this Tuesday at 9 a.m. that both the city and Gastrak can voice their opinions and concerns. This mediation will hopefully be able to resolve the issue. Gary will attend it.
Council business/concerns-
- Dike mowing # times- It was brought up by Koropatnicki that it should be mowed more than twice per year. Gary will contact our Corp person to ask how high grass should be kept.
- Dike South Pembina-Motion by Koropatnicki second by Burton to accept the bid from Conestoga Farms of $1500 per time to mow the main dike and South Pembina dike. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Update & Business: Mayor –
Update & Business: City Auditor/Lisa Hall
- Motion by Martin second by Burton to approve the May financials and June bills as presented. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Liquor licenses- Motion by Huttunen second by Martin to approve the liquor licenses for Corner Bar, Legion, DFA and golf course. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Street closure- Motion by Huttunen second by Koropatnicki to close 2nd Street from Rolette Street to the alley by ambulance bay over the 4th of July celebrations. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Gaming license renewal- Motion by Huttunen second by Burton to approve the gaming license for Friends of Neche Fireman. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
- Demolition bids- Lisa presented the 3 bids from Enerson Construction, Twamley Construction and Forest River Colony. Lisa advised that the one from the Colony had not yet been updated but she had reached out multiple times to them. Koropatnicki said to continue to call and table voting until July since we can’t move forward until after the hearing anyway.
- South Pembina mowing- Lisa asked where the funds should be pulled to pay Red River Freight since Recreation Board collects the money from campground and pavilion rental. Motion by Burton second by Koropatnicki to split the cost 50/50 between city funds and recreation board funds. Ayes: Martin, Burton and Koropatnicki. Nay: Huttunen. Motion carries.
- Ames old house- Lisa sent the current owners a letter for the junk in yard. Once clean-up day is scheduled have a couple people pull the mattress to curb and any other accessible junk.
- Midco- They will no longer be offering free internet in return for their equipment on the water tower. Tabled until Lisa can get more information.
New Business
- Brent Symington trees- Lisa will email Rob Brent’s information and get in touch with Brent on which trees are allowed and not allowed.
Motion to adjourn by Burton at 8:02 p.m.
By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor