UnOfficial Minutes for February 12, 2024, Pembina City Budget Meeting and Council Meeting
Date: February 12th, 2024, at 6:00pm
Location: Professional Building
Present: Renee Thomas (by phone), Pat Burton, Jeff Watts (arrived at 6:18), Ken Norby, Connor Snitker (arrived at 6:38), Mayor Mike Fitzgerald
Absent: Al Huttunen
Guests: Sherri Carattini, Greg Koropatnicki, Dustin Fanfulik (Widseth), Rob Fleming, Ben Kneeshaw, Jeremy Schules (NRWD), Phil Hall
Public Meeting: 6:00 pm – Phil Hall addressed the Mayor, asking that the city be audited. He also requested that Mayor Fitzgerald better facilitate and/or follow-up on agenda items.
Regular Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm
Changes to Agenda: Add 4th of July Committee to Committee Reports. Add Team Lab spray and crack seal quotes to Greg under Employee Reports. Add Jeremy Schuler to Top of Old Business. Motion to approve changes by Burton. Seconded by Norby. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Approval/Changes to January 8th Minutes: Motion to approve minutes as presented by Norby, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
Old Business:
- Jeremy Schuler of Northeast Regional Water introduced himself to the council and came in person to clarify upcoming water rate changes. After some discussion, it was agreed that Attorney Rob Fleming and Mr. Schuler would work together to review and/or modify the current contract between The City of Pembina and NRWD.
- Garbage/Recycling/Clean Up Day – No Report
- Daycare – Tanya Rivera was unable to attend but, after a brief discussion, it was agreed that a clause should be added to the contract indicating that enrolling the children of Pembina residents will receive priority.
- Lagoon – Dustin will review current status and will provide the city with a preliminary drawing.
- Mid-Central Medical Property Expansion Proposal – Dustin will review the current status and will develop of list of potential cists
- Automated Water Meter Readers – Still awaiting software from Ferguson IT.
- Spot Bar Lot – Advertising to continue. No deadline for bids.
- Paying Specials – Sherri will provide a total of all specials payoff amounts for the next meeting.
- Snow Machines on Dikes – Damage Assessment will be determined by Army Corps of Engineers. If they determine that the damage violates current certification parameters, the city will lose its certification status, which would require all city residents to obtain mandatory flood insurance. Also, violating the city ordinance re: unauthorized vehicles on the dike (including snow machines, ATVs, Golf Carts, etc.) is a Class B Misdemeanor:
9.2110 Operation of Motor Vehicle, Tractor or Other Vehicle Prohibited on Flood Protective Works - Exception - Penalty 1. Unless authorized by the authority in charge thereof, no person shall operate a motor vehicle, tractor or other vehicle upon or across any flood protective works, including but not limited to, any dike or flood protective works constructed by a state or federal agency or by any municipality or local subdivision of the state. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be liable to any person suffering injury as a result of the violation; and in addition, shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor. (Source: North Dakota Century Code section 39-10-65)
Committee Reports:
- Fire Department – No Report
- 4th of July Committee – Pat Burton asked if the committee could put up a steel canopy and table at the location of the former concessions area in South Pembina. Attorney Rob Fleming stated he would check on whether this would violate FEMA Red Zone regulations.
- Rec Board –
o Mayor Fitzgerald shared that the Rec Board inquired as to whether the community center could be opened up once a week to children pre-K and under, to be monitored by an adult. The council stated they could put down a $100 deposit each time, to be returned if the facility is cleaned up after use.
o Mayor Fitzgerald also stated that the Rec Board wants verification if the 2022 and 2023 mils had been deposited into their account. Sherri will research this.
Employees Report/Concerns:
o Motion to approve quotes by Watts, seconded by Burton. All ayes present, motion carries.
o Motion to purchase up to 16 barrels of crack seal Burton, seconded by Norby. All ayes present, motion carries.
Engineer Report:
- Dustin Fanfulik officially introduced himself as the city’s newly assigned engineer. He is still catching up on Brad’s projects, and will have a report ready for the next meeting.
Attorney Update:
- Rob Fleming will work with Jeremy Schuler on Water Contract and will update Daycare Contract with Pembina Preference clause.
Update & Business: Mayor – no updates
Update & Business: City Auditor/ Sherri Carattini
- January Bills & Financials – Motion to approve financials by Burton, seconded by Thomas. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- Delinquent Accounts – certified letters to be sent.
- Sherri’s Letter of Intent to resign (retire) at the end of March – Motion by Watts to accept letter, seconded by Norby. All ayes present. Motion carries. Sherri will publish job posting.
New Business:
- Increase City Council pay for Special Meetings – motion by Snitker to increase pay to $50.00 per meeting. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries
- Demolition of 422 N. 5th Street – City will advertise for bids, to be opened at the next council meeting.
- Summer Help – City will advertise for Summer Help.
- Local Permit for 4th of July Raffles – motion by Thomas to approve permit. Seconded by Burton. All ayes present. Motion carries.
- 2024 Tax Equalization – confirmed for April 23, 2024, from 6:00-7:00 PM.
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 7:48 PM by Thomas.
By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald
Attested to: Sherri Carattini, City Auditor
The next city council meeting will be held on March 11th, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Professional building.