Official Minutes for April 9th, 2018 Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter, Corie Koropatnicki, Melissa Hilliard and Connor Snitker
Absent: none
City Employees Present: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent
City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming
City Engineer Present: Brad Bail
Others present: Blaine Eisenbeis, Harold Rotunda, Martina Lyons, Tyanne Crotty, Luke Misson, Taylor Jerome, Krissy Hannesson, Yancy Searle and Phil Hall
Public Portion
Harold Rotunda gave overview of finances.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:12 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Add Golf Course under New Business and 4-gas monitor under Employees. Motion by Snitker, second by Hilliard to approve the changes to the agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Fritz, second by Snitker to approve March’s minutes; Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
Spot Bar- Tabled.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail – Mayor Dorion has two residents that have agreed to be on the assessment committee will find the third. Motion by Snitker second by Fritz to approve the additional 700 feet to the 5th Street project. Ayes: Snitker, Carpenter, Fritz, Hilliard and Koropatnicki Naye: Huttunen Motion carries.
Attorney Update / Rob Fleming- Brought all the printed Resolutions for 5th Street project.
Employee Report/Concerns-
Blacktop patch and Oil– Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard to order the needed blacktop patch and oil. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
PWA-3 days seasonal- If there is work to be done Gary can have Blaine help out.
Summer help- Lisa will put ad in the paper for summer help
Blacktop presentation- Gary and Brad will check the streets after the frost is out to determine which are in the worst condition
UTV- Gary will get quotes for May’s meeting for new and used UTV with bare minimum for accessories
4-gas monitor- Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard to allow Gary to purchase a suitable portable 4-gas monitor spending up to $1200. Ayes by all present. Motion carries. Gary will look into prices of a harness with tripod for lift station.
Update & Business: Mayor –
Council/mayor pay – Has been over 15 years since council and mayor have received pay increases. Discussion regarding this and attendance. Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard to amend the ordinance on file to match the resolution that was made a couple years ago. Ayes by all present. Motion carries. Lisa will do some research on pay for city’s with population close to Pembina.
Update & Business: City Auditor
The March financials and April bills were reviewed and approved.
County tax disbursement- Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker to transfer all but $2000 to the Recreation Board from the county mills received. Ayes all present. Motion carries. Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker to transfer $12,000 to the Library Board from the county mills received. Ayes all present. Motion carries. Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard to transfer $6095.86 to the Pembina Cemetery from the county mills received. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
E-bills/online payment update- Will be ready by the end of April.
LW grant-signs/landscaping- Lisa informed council she applied for grant to replace the welcome sign and landscape around it and a sign for the Professional Building. The LW Foundation Committee granted $4687 to this project.
Salon- Motion by Huttunen second by Fritz to allow the new salon operator one free year of rent. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
Recycling- Motion by Snitker second by Koropatnicki to go with Countrywide Recycling for curbside using a 96 gallon cart for each household which increases the monthly rate from $3.25 to $6.40 per residential household. Ayes: Huttunen, Snitker, Koropatnicki and Hilliard Nayes: Carpenter and Fritz. Motion carries. Motion by Huttunen second by Hilliard to cancel Friendship Recycling once Countrywide is set up. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
Committee Reports:
Growth-Corie advised that the Growth Committee has found someone to take over the daycare. Motion by Koropatnicki second by Snitker to offer Taylor Koland the lease with the same terms offered to Wynn with the exception of $250 per month penalty for opting out early. Ayes by all present. Motion carries. Motion by Koropatnicki second by Snitker to offer Taylor Koland a $1000 signing bonus after 80 hours of time under Wynn during the month of May to include parent/child pickup/drop off at the daycare facility. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.
Golf course- Wondering if the City can pay this year’s dram insurance. Motion by Huttunen second by Koropatnicki to allow the Recreation Board to pay the dram insurance for the golf course pending Recreation Board approval. Ayes: Koropatnicki, Hilliard, Carpenter and Huttunen. Nayes: Fritz and Snitker. Motion carries.
New Business:
Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 7:44 p.m.
By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator