
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271


Minutes of April 7, 2003 Council Meeting



Attendance:  Council:  Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Melissa Grafe, John Feldman, Jeff Carpenter, Larry Pelletier, Mayor Warren Hillukka. 

Present: City Attorney Rob Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.

Others Present: Erik Myhre, Greg Koropatnicki, Joy Hillukka, Jerry Baldock, Mike LaFrance, Jim West, Dan Johnson, Ken Norby


Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 by Mayor Hillukka.

1.  Myhre sketched out a proposal for a new fire department/ambulance building, with a community center attached.  Such proposal would require the sale of the existing community center and fire department buildings.  Potential owner would need these areas re-zoned. A public meeting will be held in May. To get the ball rolling a variance must be requested.

2.  Jim West – proposed to be the engineer on our issues of meeting government standards for Surface Water.  Has inspected water plant, which is old but not deteriorated.  Updates are necessary compliance by Jan.. 2006. 

3.  Mike LaFrance- A proposal has been given in writing already.


Regular Meeting called to order 7:35 P.M.  

1. Changes made to agenda—Twamley to fix ditch behind Norman Brandt.

2.  Motion by Rick Senum, second by Larry Pelletier to approve March minutes as corrected. Motion  carried.

3. No Judges Report.

4. City Attorney Update:  Rob/Neil conference call-sent letter to Churchich .  Will not hurt bond reading if sent to collection agency.  Letter Re: Roy trailer to be sent ASAP. Not a common remedy. Call workers compensation-could possibly do today.

 5. Employee Report: 

·        Computer upgrade-will network tomorrow

·        City owns main.  Curbstop is their responsibility. Send bill to Steve& Lonna Chale. Have Twamley rewrite bill to state break on service line.,


6.Trade N’Post ditch-would like city to purchase and place culvert on property. Not only is it an eyesore but also a safety issue.  They would like both sides of the ditch done. Ken to get prices on culvert.  Have WSN look@ engineering.Update: conveyed his concern of chlorine by-product for meeting new regulations.

7.  Aud./Adm. Update:  a) Mar. General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and April bills to be paid presented.  Question concerning YTD total; financials approved.  b)  Motion by Burke, second by Feldman, to order 200 KW generator through Project Impact, with the intent of setting up an emergency shelter at the school.  Motion carried.  c)  Fleming prefaced the discussion of payment in lieu of taxes review of his conversation with Bob Wertz in the State Tax office.  Motion by  Hillukka to approve a payment of $1.00/year as payment in lieu of taxes for 5 years starting with 2001 for Valley Crete’s expansion.  When no second was forthcoming, motion was made by Manley, second by Hillukka, to seek the Attorney General’s opinion in the issue.  Motion carried.   d)  Motion by Hillukka, second by Feldman, to approve R. Burke’s remodeling exemption for the years 2002-2005.  Motion carried.  e)  Motion by Feldman, second by Manley, to approve the Clearview Contracting abatement presented for 2001.  Motion carried. 

8.  Committee reports: a)  Recreation Board:   Senum elected president.  Committees are set; will have regular meetings.  Plans in the works for a “wheeled rodeo”, Kid’s ID program, and cleaning up    area for campsites. Next meeting April 16.

            b)  Growth:  Chairman Senum reported Jim Masloski agreed to build a “basic” web site for       city; Workforce Customer Service training will be offered in Pembina.  Next meeting April 30.

            c)  Streets:  Deputy Benson is reviewing maps for signage.

9.  Issues:  a) City Clean-up Day:  Auditor will set up with Valley Landfill for sometime before graduation.  b)  Corner Bar:  Auditor contacted owner.  Crew to arrive April 15 to take off top and seal bricks on sides.   d)  Auditor to advertise Pet Day. e)  Discussion of cable TV franchise.

10.  Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:05 p.m.


                                                                               By:  Mayor  Pat Burton    


Attested to:  K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm