City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes April 11th, 2011 City Council Meeting
Attendance: Council Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, John Feldman, Debbie Stanhope, Greg Wilmer
Present: Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud./Adm. Nancy Thompson, City Engineer Dan Johnson
Absent: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Pat Burton
Others Present: Greg Koropatnicki
Public Portion: No one present
Regular Meeting was called to order by Council President Feldman at 6:00 p.m.
2. Changes made to agenda: Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to accept changes to agenda. Motion carries. Motion by Stanhope second by Wilmer to approve March 14th minutes. Motion carries.
3. City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) Water and Sewer contracts have been sent to Spruce Valley for their review and signature. Auditor let Council know that they came back in the mail today. b) Letters needs to be sent to the Building owners on Hwy 59 that the water /sewer project will allow them to hookup to the city sewer. c) Auditor let Council know the amended loan application had been sent in to the state requesting the additional funds and that DeAnn with the state let her know they meet around the 14th of April to review the amended application.
4. Attorney: a)Special Assessment Committee Council President Feldman appointed Joe Defoe, Del Huttunen and Wayne Schafer to the Special Assessment Committee with Joe having the 6 year term Wayne the 4 year term and Del the 2 year term. Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to accept Council President Feldman’s appointments. All Ayes. Motion carries. b) Council President Feldman has appointed Zelda Hartje as City tax Assessor. Motion by Wilmer second by Burke to accept Council President Feldman’s appointment. All Ayes. Motion carries. c) Neil gave legalities on the Red River Building permit) Review of open record law. Neil let Council know that all committee meetings are subject to open record laws.
5. Employee Report: a) Team Lab 2011 spraying prices. Motion by Dorion second by Wilmer to have Team Lab spray again this year: pond, broadleaf & golf course fairway. Motion carries. b) Ken’s truck is in need of new tires. Motion by Wilmer second by Dorion for new tires to be put on Ken’s truck going with the lowest quote. Motion carries. c) Quotes were given for air duct cleaning in the Professional building. Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to have LeTexier’s Cleaning Service come in and do the Air Duct Cleaning in the Professional building. All Ayes except Wilmer voting nay. Motion carries. d) Public works employees would like to have a time clock down at City shop instead of always having to go to office to punch in and out. Council told Auditor to purchase time clock for City shop.
6. Mayor Update:
7. Aud. /Admin. Update: a) March financials reviewed and approved b) April bills and reviewed and approved.
8. Committee Reports: a) Personnel Committee made recommendation to the Council 3% raise to Nancy & Lisa. Lisa’s increase will start after April 15th pay period and Nancy’s will go into effect after 3 months. Motion carries. b) Personnel committee let Council know that Lisa will be in office 1 day a week and outside working 3 days a week weather permitting also that Nancy & Lisa will be rotating Monday and Friday off. Which still leaves the office open Monday through Friday. Office hours are posted. Once Lisa is out of office 3 days a week a set lunch hour will be posted .So the public knows when office is closed daily for lunch. d) Library board met on Monday April 4th to go over applications for Librarian position. Library Committee made recommendation to the Council to hire Karen Masloski as the City Librarian at the same pay rate as previous Librarian. Council accepts recommendation. Motion Carries. The City Library would like to adjust their hours so it can be open Monday thru Saturday. Council is ok with the new Library hours.
9. Issues-New & Outstanding: a) Wilmer brought up tools he thinks a welder would be a good purchase for the City shop as the employees are both able to weld then the City wouldn’t have to pay someone to do it. Motion by Wilmer second by Dorion to purchase Welder, tank and helmet not to exceed $900.00. Motion carries. This will be paid out of sales tax.
Motion by Burke to adjourn at 6:50p.m.
By: Council President, John Feldman
Attested to: Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator