City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of March 6, 2003 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Melissa Grafe, Richard Senum, John Feldman, Larry Pelletier, Mayor Warren Hillukka. Absent: Beverly Burke, Jeff Carpenter
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming (attendance at regular mtg.), K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Larry Wilwant, Hetty Walker, Sandy Simonson, Gary Helland, Ken Norby.
Public Hearing called to order at 7:05 by Mayor Hillukka.
1. Larry Wilwant- Reported on the overall Pembina River basin and the latest project being reviewed by the State Water Commission, which consists only of setback dikes in the western portion of the county. Pembina River Basin Board promoted 4 actions: providing diversion of 30% of the water to follow its natural course into Canada at Buffalo Creek and Aux Marais, snagging the river bottom, water retention, and setback dikes. The single action of set-back dikes upstream does nothing to improve prospects for Pembina, and could be detrimental when persuading Canadians to take more of the runoff. Fleming invited the Council to attend the Pembina County Water Resource District meeting on Tuesday, March 11, to meet with Tim Fay, state water engineer. An International Joint Commission report stated that 4-5,000 cfs of water should be going north before it hits the city of Pembina.
2. Sandy Simonson- FEMA has changed how they will provide services...they want communities to be pro-active to disaster rather than reactive. She presented the county’s multi-hazard mitigation plan for review, and also the Project Impact meeting minutes. Infrastructure funds from PI will be used for hooking up generators for critical facilities. Other measures were also reviewed.
3. Jim West- sent verbal report. Mayor requests his attendance at next meeting.
Regular Meeting called to order 8:01 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda--video, correspondence
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, a approve Feb. 3 minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Trailer - a note has been sent to the auditor regarding the lien. Now following up on the title. b) Playground - there has been no response since a letter was sent to Oulette.
4. Employee Report: a) Computer Upgrade: Two computer systems proposed. Motion by Pelletier, second by Senum, to purchase two new computers for networking purposes. Motion carried unanimously.
b) Quote received from McGuire Iron to update water tower to OSHA standards. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to do the whole project at the 20% discount price. Motion carried unanimously.
c) Price is $4,000 for a generator from Surplus Supply to run lift station. Will request to Project Impact to purchase this. Fire Dept. generator is 3-phase but would require re-wiring for use at city facilities. d) Motion by Senum, second by Grafe, to pay state rate for mileage reimbursement. Motion carried.
e) Ken informed council of option for spraying the lagoon and bacteria for lift station.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier, to accept Seed remodeling exemption. Motion carried. b) Will do a presentation to 3-6th grades with Auditor for Celebrate Cities Week.
6. Aud./Adm. Update: a) Feb. General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements (in the form of register), and Mar. bills to be paid presented. Questions answered and all financials approved.
b) Motion by Grafe, second by Feldman, to approve the Pledge of Securities provided by CSB. Motion carried. c) City has paid $1,640.20 in specials for lot on Block 14. d) Update from ND State Fire and Tornado Insurance presented. Payment approved. e) Residential survey - Mayor expressed that we don’t need information that we will not use. Grafe had seen a survey that others have deemed useful. Action tabled until next meeting. f) Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to re-join Riverkeepers at the $25 level. Motion carried. g) Reviewed Pembina Cable TV rate increase letter. Proper procedure for approving this was questioned. Auditor to research this. h) Suggestion of recruiting members to the Cemetery Board through local churches was discussed. i) JDA meeting request was deferred to the Growth Committee.
8. Committee reports:
a) Recreation Board: Has reviewed ball program guidelines. Began review of Master Plan.
b) Growth: Chairman Senum reviewed rental property update, and work continues toward seeking new jobs for residents.
c) Personnel: Committee will meet to review/compile performance appraisals. All council members are encouraged to participate in this process.
9. Issues: a) A Video (OIEC 2002) showing reaction to 9/11/01 was viewed by government personnel. They recommend a community viewing. Feldman to review this. b) Correspondence already addressed by auditor.
10. Motion to adjourn by Feldman at 10:20 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm