
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

May 17th, 2022 Minutes

Official Minutes for May 17, 2022, Pembina City Council Meeting


Council members present: Mayor Mike Fitzgerald, President Jeff Watts, VP Ron Fritz, Greg Koropatnicki, Jennifer Martin, Allen Huttunen


Absent: None

City Employees present: Debi Stainbrook

City Attorney present: Rob Fleming

City Engineer: absent


Others present: Brenda Masloski, Wes Stainbrook

Meeting called to order by Mike Fitzgerald at 6:00pm



Changes to Agenda: 

Proclamation to Poppy Day, remove fire department, disc golf (new business), assistant deputy auditor position (update and business), cars on 2nd Rolette (new business), remove symington and seed (update and business), Debi’s certification. Motion by Watts, second by Koropatnicki to approve the amendments to agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


 Approval/Changes April’s Minutes

Motion by Watts, second by Huttunen to approve April meeting minutes. Ayes all present. Motion carries. 


Old Business               

  • Drainage west end along dike/mci drainage ditch - tabled
  • Garbage truck/rates - tabled
  • Generator - tabled
  • Gaming Authorization for NB Eagle Sports Boosters - Fire department was looking at getting a 501c to establish an auxiliary for retired members and non roster members. Allen had talked to Tracy and they were pretty set on having NB Boosters in there. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Huttunen to approve NB Boosters gaming authorization. Ayes all present. Motion carries. 
  • job posting - Job posting for Superintendent. Job is posted on Facebook, job service ND, and indeed. Would like to get in on the Langdon radio station, in the chronicle, and New Era. We may need to offer relocation incentives. Currently they must live in Pembina, we may need to extend it to a 15 mile radius. Will see what applicants we get first. 


Committee Reports

  • Fire Department - removed
  • Rec Board - Brenda. Hats and uniforms have been ordered. We would like to get rid of broken items on the playground. Where can we dispose of that stuff? Hallock landfill. Jennifer will ask Tim to throw it out in his pit. Bathroom updates - would like to apply for grants, but they need matching funds. Rec board still hasn’t received the overpayment of mowing or mils from 2021. Will look into this and transfer money. Brenda applied for the self help grant. Submitted bills and forms. Grayson will be rehired to clean the campground area, but his application and paperwork would go through the city as the city pays him. Please remind Grayson to clean the fire pits as well.
  • Ice Rink - tabled until Rhonda is present - city council is asking for more info on what the plans are for the rink


Engineer Report/Brad Bail - Need to put a ton limit sign on the bridge. Will put a 10 ton sign and leave the other sign up. Motion by Watts, second by Huttunen to add 10 ton sign. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


Attorney Update

  • Letter from ND State Health Department - took houses down without asbestos, we didn’t get the permit we were supposed to. Asbestos permits must be done before tearing down a house.
  • Abandoned cars on Rolette St. Vehicles are parked in the grass for over 48 hours. Pickup is not registered. Will get the sheriff involved to put a notice on the vehicles.


 Update & Business: Mayor

  • Flood committee - Blaine shut down the command center as it was hard to get volunteers 24 hours a day. Firefighters that will be walking it daily. The committee should look into revising protocols and/or starting working on a new SOP.
  • Poppy Day - new declaration


Update & Business: City Auditor/ Debi Stainbrook

  • April Financials
  • April bills. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Watts to approve April bills. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
  • Application for Summer Help. Application from Ayden Stainbrook. Looking to hire 3-4 summertime helpers. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Huttunen to hire Ayden. Ayes all present. Motion carries. 
  • Symington & Seed water bill charge - removed
  • Communication to the city - tabled
  • Bridgestone Bar & Grill new business incentive - business will receive 12 months free water and sewer up to $100. Watts found where this incentive was stated in the November 2014 meeting minutes. The business incentive is not on the city website and will be added
  • European students this summer - will be going door to door selling educational books
  • Shredding documents. Motion by Huttunen, second by Watts to approve shredding documents. Ayes all present. Motion carries. 
  • Assistant Deputy Auditor position - will revisit in August/Sept
  • Auditor Certification - Debi received her auditor certification


New Business

  • Disc golf - all paid for
  • Black top patch - only 7 bags left, $800 for 50 bags that includes the freight. Should order 2 pallets $1600 as things seem to be going up in price and we will use it. Motion by Huttunen, second by Watts to order 2 pallets. Ayes all present. Motion carries. 
  • Dike mowing - Owen is interested in mowing. He will charge $1700 for his service (each time he mows). He mows twice a year usually. Motion by Watts, second by Martin to contract with Owen to mow the dike. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
  • Gopher trapping - Kneeshaw are interested in trapping. Koropatnicki recommends $3 a gopher. Motion by Watts, second by Martin to pay $3 per gopher. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
  • Lift station generator - Butler for a 3 year contract - Motion by Watts, second by Fritz to approve contract. Ayes all present. Motion carries
  • Walker pumps - not sure if it’s ND lift, checked out by a proper mechanic after the flood. We can go back and look through records of who has done this in the past. Needs a little bit of maintenance. Motion by Koropatnicki, second by Huttunen to have someone check it out. Ayes all present. Motion carries. 
  • Sampling - Koropatnicki will take samples. He needs to find a handheld chlorine test. Koropatnicki still has a license and can take the tests until we hire a new superintendent. Brad will talk to someone about being hired on a temporary basis until we find someone full time for that position.



Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 7:27pm



By: Mayor, Mike Fitzgerald

Attested to: Debi Stainbrook, City Auditor