City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of Oct. 8, 2002 Council Meeting
Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka. Council: Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Larry Pelletier, John Feldman. Absent: Jeff Carpenter.
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud/Adm.
Others Present: Dean Warner, Dave Sunsdahl, Clay Kleppen, Kathy Wilkie, Beth Karas, George Christenson, Gary Wilkie, Karen Johnson, Tom Trenbeth.
Public Hearing called to order at 7:03 by Mayor Hillukka.
1. Sunsdahl & Kleppen – appeared regarding the cable franchise. Stated many problems originate with the channels themselves. Have hooked into the federal emergency alert system as required. Possibly could add more channels if can get the space for another dish.
2. Golf Course – presented a statement of expenditures and revenues for the past two years. Needing $13,000 to meet this year’s expenses. Memberships are down, EDC put in kitchen, and held 6 fund-raisers this year. Council agreed to address the request following presentation of the financial report.
3. Tom Trenbeth – Recapped the details of the MCI economic incentive package. Pembina County JDA is administrating the debt between the local participants and the Bank of North Dakota. Looking for an amount to put down up front from the city. Council members were wondering what stipulations were put on the package, but nothing was put in writing when the package was put together.
4. Dean Warner – Would like to use the city’s tractor to remove dirt piles from the Lutheran Church Cemetery in S. Pembina. Council gave permission to make arrangements with Ken.
Regular Meeting called to order 8:30 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda—Clearview bids, Residential property valuation.
2. Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to approve September minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Court Services contract is signed and effective October1. b) A variance cannot be granted without a specific project. A sale of property could be contingent upon approval of a variance. c) Has reviewed and recommended approval of the Pembina County JDA/MCI incentive contract.
4. Employee Report: a) George: Working on intake pumps for raw water. Larger pumps are too large, replaced with 12 HP motor on a 4’’ pump. New meter working very well. Noted that our water plant mixer is obsolete. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to read and audit the Border station payments for 12 months, and audit all other accounts annually. Motion carried. City to bill if insufficient collections occur. b) George’s work schedule tentatively set through Dec. 13, with Consultant contract beginning Dec. 15.
5. Mayoral Update: a) MCI ditch a mess! Feldman to initially contact Dwight Scharmer. b) Speedbumps are taken out for winter snow removal. Signs are needed prior to posting. c) Dallas Johnson’s resignation from the Cemetery Board is accepted upon motion by Feldman, second by Senum. d) Council updated on taxes due for block 46. Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to rescind motion of Sept. 3 to purchase the property. 100% voted aye. e) Display set – offer $25 f) Fire Department – should submit an actual budget, reflecting 3 years. g) Generator update: Fritz will pour concrete to specs. Must be located near transformer. h) Council vacancy – let Hillukka know of suggestions.
6. Aud/Adm. Update: a) Sept. General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and Oct. bills to be paid presented. Noted that Year-to-date budget report actually includes items from October. Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to accept the financial report with notation. 100% aye. b) Ron French is no longer employed by Widseth, Smith & Notlting. c) Chris Benson will distribute notices re: junk cars. d) Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier to accept Clearview bid for fixing pump house roof. Note: projects over $10,00 require two bids, minimum.
7. Committee Reports: a) Recreation Board: Planning hayride in conjunction with Oct. 26 Museum Spook-fest. Permission to use city tractors granted. Questioned Rec. Bd’s responsibility in S. Pembina: city should maintain buildings, rec. bd. to concentrate on programming. Council will look at bidding out mowing of S. Pembina. Vandalism continues to be an issue. b) Growth: Met with a Canadian manufacturing company on Oct. 2. Don Frye of Otter Tail has been a great help. Still hoping for motel; Sand has been unavailable. Web site up, but not complete.
8. Issues: a) Council President is now Feldman (moved up from VP) Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier, to approve Burke as new Council Vise President. 100% aye vote. b) Motion by Senum, second by Pelletier, to pay up to $8,000 toward Golf Course bills as this is approximately the loan amount. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to pay $25,000 from M&R account for MCI incentive down-payment. Roll Call vote, 100% aye.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:45 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm.