Official Minutes for January 13th, 2020, Pembina City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Connor Snitker, Cody Carpenter, Allen Huttunen, and Mike Fitzgerald.
Absent: Melissa Hilliard, Lisa Hall/Auditor
City Employees Present: Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent, Blaine Eisenbeis/Public Works Assistant
City Attorney Present: Dustin
City Engineer: Brad Bail/engineer
Others present: none
Public Portion-
Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:00 p.m.
Changes to Agenda
Motion by Fritz, second by Snitker to approve the agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Motionby Fritz,second by Snitker to approve reading of December’s minutes at February’s meeting. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Old Business
Spot Bar- Forest River Colony was up last week and Lisa brought him in Spot to look it over and will get us a bid.
Engineer Report/Brad Bail – IEP signed tonight so Pembina will be on the list. Still working on the dam.
Attorney Update / Dustin- Nothing at this time
Employee Report/Concerns-
Skid steer box scraper- The scraper we got from Helm’s does not work as is but there is a place in Argyle that could make one. They would need us to bring skid steer and leave for a few days. Gary said cannot go without skid steer that long. RDO has one with an extender for $3900 and return policy is 20% restocking fee. The additional cost of the unit in Argyle would remain under the original motion. Gary was advised to check forecast and make arrangements. Motion by Huttunen second by Snitker to approve an additional $1000 above what has been spent to work with Argyle to make the adjuster. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Rural Water Conference- Gary asking for approval to attend. Said at fall conference he was shorted on his credit hours because of leaving early with the storm. Everything other than Gary’s wages is reimbursed. Motion by Snitker second Carpenter that Gary attend the conference. Ayes all present. Motion carries.
Update & Business: Mayor –
Nothing at this time
Update & Business: Public Works Assistant/Blaine Eisenbeis
The December financials and January bills were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports:
New Business:
Fire Department- Elections were held last week and new officers were voted in. Fire chief is Blaine Eisenbeis, Assistant chief is Pete Huttunen, Co-Captains are Matt Chale and Cody Carpenter and remaining as Secretary/Treasurer Aimee Eisenbeis. Grants are still being worked on for new equipment. If everything goes as planned all will be in compliance this year.
Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 6:17 p.m.
By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion
Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor