
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

Minutes of February 3, 2003 Council Meeting

Attendance: Warren Hillukka, Mayor. Council: Melissa Grafe, John Feldman, Richard Senum, Beverly Burke. Absent: Larry Pelletier, Jeff Carpenter.

Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming (attendance at regular mtg.), K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.

Others Present: Gordon Johnson, Cal Thelen, Jerry Bergeson, Ken Norby, Deputy Chris Benson

Meeting called to order 7:06 P.M. by Mayor Hillukka.

Public Hearings:

Presentation by Gordon Johnson, manager, and Cal Thelen, engineer, of North Valley Water, outlining the costs of proposed service to the city of Pembina, utilizing existing infrastructure. Handouts were provided.

Jerry Bergeson - is interested in purchasing lots on block 16. Would need a variance from the 75’ minimum frontage requirement.

No objections were received regarding the proposed tax exemption for Red River Repair’s pole building, either in writing or in person. Motion by Burke, second by Feldman, to approve a tax exemption for the new building at a rate of 100% for 3 years. Motion carried.


Regular meeting called to order at 7:58

1. Changes made to agenda--Highway 55, Drayton police car.

2. Minutes: Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to approve Jan. 6 minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

3. City Attorney Update: a) Two letters had been received regarding the playground lease issue. As Northland Financial appears completely unwilling to pay the fiber invoice; a letter has been sent to Churchich Recreation informing them that the attorney advises the city council not to pay the invoice. b) Ward Trust - city may pay for upkeep of grounds only. Auditor to keep this record .

4. Employee Report: a) Deputy Benson reported on the vandalized signs and buildings. b) Furnace update: Humble’s bid was chosen and furnace is installed & running well. c) Computer Upgrade - Senum came with two quotes from different companies. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to have Senum and Auditor check into this further, and approving up to $4,000 for a networked system. d) Lack of overflow for Water Tower has been noted for a few years by the state. Motion by Feldman, second by Grafe, directing Ken to take the necessary steps, including securing bids, to correct this deficiency. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. e) Meters on Trailer homes: city does not hook up readers on trailers because of the liability with wiring underneath the home. City does supply the meters and outside readers to each residential unit, and will install the outside reader for new construction. Auditor was directed to send notification letters to all homes without outside readers. f) Ken has been researching basic costs for water production. We are mandated profile chlorine byproducts for 52 weeks. Ken recommends engaging an engineer to assist us with evaluating costs. g) Generator - ND Surplus Property has a 50 KW Kato available. Auditor directed to contact Project Impact re: potential assistance.

5. Mayoral Update: a) Will pursue figures for hiring Jim West of KBM Engineering on water issues. b) Highway 55 is scheduled for resurfacing between here and Neche in 2003. Mayor will contact other communities re: upgrading shoulders also. c) Invisimax is in the Professional Building. Would recommend 2 service ports per each office space. d) Directed Attorney to look into abandoned trailer homes on city property. e) Had recommended Hetty Walker for a position on the newly restructured Red River Basin Board. Walker was not elected.

6. Aud./Adm. Update: a) January collections/disbursements, and Feb. bills to be paid presented and approved.

b) Amended Year-end report presented. c) Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to pay $200 to Twamley for costs related to additional work on the demolition of the Stutsman St. property. d) Insurance issues tabled until property values are established by NDIRF. e) Former Masonic Park, located outside dike: Council recommends non-payment of taxes. f) Signing of State Audit Agreement tabled. Auditor directed to seek other offers with prices.

7. Committee reports:

a) Recreation Board: Commissioner Keller to review and recommend ball program policies. Possibly will sell concessions at the "barn dance". Next meeting scheduled for Feb. 19.

b) Growth Committee: Duane Sand had been here to discuss proposed motel. He spoke via phone with Don Frye, and stated a business plan would arrive in the city office in about 3 weeks.

Growth Cmte. is wanting to purchase a digital camera, and wondering if the city would split the cost. Motion by Feldman, second by Grafe, to pay half the purchase price of a good digital camera. Motion carried.

c) Shade Tree Committee: Reviewed CTE grant application with Recreation Board. Proposal now presented to City Council. Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to proceed with the acceptance of the grant contract. Motion carried.

8. Issues: a) Pembina County Job Development Authority was looking for an appointee from the city council. Grafe will speak to Carpenter about this. Johnson already serves on the JDA, but is not a council member. b) There will be a meeting at the museum Feb. 10 regarding developing area-wide tourism.

c) County States Attorney Barb Whelan has offered to do a Meth awareness program in Pembina. Whelan will set this up with school.

9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:50 p.m.

By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor

Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm