City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of January 6, 2003 Council Meeting
Attendance: Warren Hillukka, Mayor. Council: Melissa Grafe, John Feldman, Larry Pelletier, Richard Senum, Beverly Burke. Absent: Jeff Carpenter.
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming (attendance at regular mtg.), K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Larry Wilwant, Ken Norby, Deputy Chris Benson
Meeting called to order 7:03 P.M. by Mayor Hillukka.
Public Hearings:
Larry Wilwant - Tri-Lake Development (Swan, Rock & Pelican) is looking at retention dams and would like representation from this area. These dams would possibly help our spring flooding, and would make their lakes more stable. Approval was given to Larry to represent Pembina at these meetings, with accompanying reimbursement for mileage.
Regular meeting called to order at 7:15
1. Changes made to agenda--Christmas Tree Disposal, Donation Check
2. Minutes: Motion by Senum, second by Grafe, to approve both December 2 and 16 minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
3. City Attorney Update: a) A letter was sent to Northland Financial on Dec. 24 requesting payment of the fiber invoice or a new lease agreement. b) City could be liable for skaters at the borrow pit - must put up "Do Not Enter" or "No Trespassing" signs. c) Discussion of acceptance letter for donation check. Fleming will research this issue. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to use the $6,250 donation to ensure the golf course, the land which is owned by the city, will be maintained. Motion carried, 100% voting aye.
4. Employee Report: a) Furnace: three bids received for 95,000 BTU furnace. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to approve whichever bid Ken will choose to accept. Motion carried. b) Computer update: current "old" computer is not compatible to internet or new software. Should try to network the two office computers. Senum to work on this with Auditor. c) Council reviewed the city ordinance regarding sidewalks and snow removal. Vehicles must be moved off roadways within 24 hours of snowfall to allow snow removal. Building owners are responsible for sidewalks. d) Auditor directed to run snowmobile notice in paper. e) Employee Reviews are due. Mayor appointed a personnel committee of Grafe, Senum, and Hillukka. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to approve committee appointments. Motion by Feldman, second by Pelletier, to pay Norby supervisory wage retroactive to Dec. 14. Grafe opposed, motion carried.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Contract with Invisimax signed as per Dec. 16 minutes. b) Note that No Trespassing signs must be legible. c) Fleming has spoken with bank re: community center CD. Motion by Senum, second by Grafe, to acknowledge receipt of the gift from the former community club with the following resolution: "Be it resolved that the $60,000 CD set up by the former Pembina Community Club be set aside exclusively for community center purposes". Motion carried, 100% voting aye.
7. Aud./Adm. Update: a) December collections/disbursements, and Jan. bills to be paid presented and approved.
b) Year-end report complete and presented. Motion by Senum, second by Feldman, to amend the 2002 budget to actual. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. c) Fleming noted that research proved that the 88-1 assessment on the water bill may be collected through 2003. Motion by Feldman, second by Pelletier, to proceed with collection of 88-1 through 2003. Motion carried. d) Auditor will attend Pembina County JDA meeting Jan. 8, possibly also Marketplace 2003 the following week. Council approval noted.
7. Committee reports:
a) Recreation Board: Will meet Jan. 16.
b) Growth Committee: no meeting in Dec. Will meet Jan 28 at 4:30.
c) Shade Tree Committee: has received $1,020.00 check for Community Family Forest Grant completion. Will review 2003 CTE grant for approval.
8. Issues: Christmas tree disposal: as in past years, may be brought to city shed or Gary & Ken to pick up from berm.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:25 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm