February 2014 Minutes
City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
152 W. Rolette St.
Official Minutes February 10th, 2014 City Council Meeting
Council Members Present: Council – John Feldman, Bev Burke, Greg Wilmer, Dan Waldrop and
Greg Truax
Absent: Kyle Dorion and Debbie Stanhope
City Employees Present: Auditor Nancy Thompson and Public Works Ken Norby.
City Attorney: Rob Fleming.
City Engineer: Brad Bail.
- Others Present: Greg & Corie Koropatnicki, Nancy Feldman,Vycki Kostelecky,Ron Fritz
Gordon Johnson- NVW, Kathy Johnson and Warren Hillukka
Zoning hearing: No one from public present with objections.
Public Portion
- Gordon Johnson– Was here asking city for a 3% water rate increase for 2014.
- Ron Fritz- Informed Council that next February 11-15, 2015 the USXC snowmobile racing is happening and they need to come through town to get back on the snowmobile trail. He wanted to know if there would be a problem with this. All Council present said there will be no problem for them to come through the city.
- Warren Hillukka & Kathy Johnson- Were here on behalf of the Community Center Steering Committee. They discussed with Council the engraved tiles in the entryway of the Community center. Both current and former residents along with business purchased these ceramic tiles with an engraved message on them .This tiles are placed in the entry foyer on the wall of the new Community center in recognition of theses donations.
Regular Meeting: Called to order by Council President Feldman at 6:10 p.m.
- Changes / Addition Made Agenda: Old Business- PCC tiles; New Business - Water rate increase NVW
Motion by Wilmer second by Waldrop to accept changes / additions to agenda. - Ayes by all present.
2. Approval/ Changes January Minutes:
Motion by Wilmer second by Waldrop to approve January minutes. - Ayes by all present.
3. Old Business:
- Bret Corneliusen - Letter was sent to him by Fleming and he heard back from Bret. He is going to be up in March or April of this year to work on his house .Fleming will send a follow up letter to him. - keep on old business
- Coin operated Water Station- Still being worked on.- keep on old business
- Pest detective (dike) - Will contact in spring. - keep on old business
- Red River approach - Fix in spring 2014. - keep on old business
- Fed Ex Sewer hookup - Haven’t heard if this is done. - keep on old business
- Community center tiles –The ceramic tile wall will stay as it is. Auditor Thompson will contact Jim Holmquist on putting up the remaining tiles.
- Spot Bar – Auditor Thompson will contact PE County Auditor on the city purchasing this property. -Keep on old business
- Ernie Ruet D’auetuil – Waiting for spring then the garage located on his property on 3rd will be tore down and hauled out. . – Keep on old business
- Additional light at boat ramp - Warrenwill look at this in the spring and get back to Nancy. – Keep on old business
- Recycling - Auditor Thompson called Ardis and left a message and she hasn’t gotten back to her. Auditor Thompson contacted waste management to get the city current rate. So she went over some rates with Council on what to charge the business in town. Motion by Wilmer second by Burke to charge a monthly business recycling rate of $20.00. - Ayes by all present.
4. Engineer Report/Brad Bail:
- Water/Sewer project (update) – Bail is hoping to have final numbers by the end of this week. He updated Council on his discussion with Louie from Spruce Valley.
5. Attorney Update:
- Police contract – The PE County Commissioners have approved this and Fleming is just waiting for Erovick to get something drawn up and to Fleming for him to review and present to the Council.
- Joint Powers Agreement w/ PE Fire dept & North Border School – Motion by Wilmer second by Truax to approve Joint Powers Agreement w/ PE Fire dept & North Border School and Mayor Dorion and Auditor Thompson will sign this on behalf of the city. - Ayes by all present.(see attachment )
6. Employees Report/Concerns:
- Ken asked if anyone from the Council was going to attend thetabletop training exercise for this Wednesday in Cavalier. Wilmer might attend the training
7. Update & Business: Mayor
8 Update & Business: City Auditor/ Nancy Thompson
- Jan & 2013 EOY Financials - financials reviewed and approved
- FEB bills –bills reviewed and approved
Burke leaves meeting at 7:15p.m
9. Committee Reports:
- Zoning Committee - Public hearing was had at beginning of city meeting and no one came with objections.The Zoning Committee recommends to the Council to grantVycki Kostelecky a Conditional Use Permit to turn what was the Comer Café into and apartment as long as state building and fire code are followed. City Engineer Bail will get the specifics to Auditor Thompson on what needs to be done for this to be up to State fire and building code for this to be an apartment. She cannot live in there until this is done and up to State fire and building code. Motion by Wilmer,second by Waldrop to accept the Zoning Committees recommendation to the Council to grantVycki Kostelecky a Conditional Use Permit to turn what was the Comer Café into and apartment as long as state building and fire code are followed. Roll call vote Ayes Wilmer, Truax and Waldrop. Nays: none. Absent and not voting Stanhope and Burke. Motion carries.
10. New Business:
- Snow Removal – Discussion was had on cleaning of the city streets during a snow storm.
- North Valley Water – Rate increase Motion by Truax second by Waldrop to approve the 2014 water rate increase of 2% from North Valley Water. Ayes Waldrop, Wilmer and Truax. Nays: none. Absent and not voting Stanhope and Burke.Motion carries.
11. Adjournment: Motion by Truax to adjourn at7:30 p.m.
By: ___________________________________
Council President, John Feldman
Attested to: _________________________________
Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator