
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

Official Minutes for August 13th, 2018 Pembina City Council Meeting

Council Members Present: Mayor Kyle Dorion, President Ron Fritz, VP Connor Snitker, Allen Huttunen, Cody Carpenter Melissa Hilliard and Mike Fitzgerald


Absent: none


City Employees Present:   Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator, Gary Helland/Public Works Superintendent, Blaine Eisenbeis/Public Works Assistant


City Attorney Present: Rob Fleming

City Engineer Present: Brad Bail


Others present: Dan Anderson


Public Portion

Dan Anderson here for DFA/Gastrak wishing to move the liquor store from DFA to Gastrak. Inquiring on obtaining another license.


Meeting called to order by Mayor Dorion at 6:08 p.m.


Changes to Agenda


Add speed bumps and street closures under Employees Report. Add Corner Bar under New Business. Motion by Snitker, seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the changes to the agenda. Ayes all present. Motion carries.


Motionby Fritz, seconded by Snitker to approve July’s minutes; Ayes all present. Motion carries.


Old Business

  • Levee-Tabled. Nate from HDR said should be finalized by next month.


  • Bret Corneliusen –Tabled.


  • Ernie D’auetuil – Tabled.


  • Spot Bar- Tabled.


  • No Parking on 5th St S.-(A.H.)- Tabled


    Carpenter suggested picking one of the tabled items and working on it to get it off the list. Get bids on demolishing the Spot.


    Engineer Report/Brad Bail  Brad met with Jerry Widme at MCI and they believe they will be able to work it out so MCI does not have to shut down at all during construction. Still no set date from the contractor for starting.


    Attorney Update / Rob Fleming- Motion by Snitker, second by Huttunen to assess $755,000 for the 5th Street project. Roll call: Ayes: Snitker, Huttunen, Fitzgerald, Hilliard, Carpenter and Fritz. Nayes: none. Motion carries.


    Employee Report/Concerns-

  • Cavalier Street- between Stutsman and Rolette– Snitker watched the semis other day drive up on sidewalk and grass and asked to put something to deter them from doing so. Dike caps have been put along the sidewalk to prevent semis from pulling up onto the curb and grass when trying to back up.


  • Gator plow- Motion by Snitker, second by Carpenter to purchase a plow for the gator for $1325. Ayes: Snitker, Fitzgerald, Hilliard, Carpenter and Fritz. Nayes: Huttunen. Motion carries.


  • Street Closure: Ronda Warner requested permission to close the street ends for the race on August 21st for safety. Motion by Snitker second by Hilliard to allow closing requested streets. Ayes by all present. Motion carries.

  • Speed bumps: Lisa addressed the traffic down Stutsman Street has been speeding on stretch past school and 6th street. Someone is going to eventually get hit. Get quotes for speed bumps.


    Update & Business: Mayor

  • Valley Landfill- Huttunen had expressed interest about being on the committee. Mayor Dorion asked Hilliard if she wanted to remain on and she does so no change to committee members.


    Update & Business: City Auditor

  • The July financials and August bills were reviewed and approved.


  • Property sale offer- A company previously interested in renting may be submitting an offer to purchase to put up a warehouse for next month.


  • Budget meeting date- set for September 4th at 6 p.m.


  • Offer on lots on corner of Rolette & Cavalier- Council does not wish to sell these lots as we utilize for snow.


  • Dutch Elm disease at Del Huttunen’s- The tree is on his property not city so property owners responsibility.


    Committee Reports:

  • Rec bd-pea rock and damage update-   Hold up is the adjuster and insurance company. Lisa will email them again asking about the claim for cleaning up or replacing pea rock and copy Rob on it. We have some families offering to help with cleanup once we get the ok to do so.


    New Business:


  • Corner Bar- Application was received for a liquor license from the purchasers of bar, Kyle and Tina Dorion. Motion by Hilliard, second by Huttunen to approve liquor application. Ayes by all present. Nayes: None. Motion carries.




    Motion to adjourn by Fritz at 6:49 p.m.


By: Mayor, Kyle Dorion


Attested to: Lisa Hall, Auditor/Administrator