Mayor Warren Hillukka Council: Beverly Burke, Richard Senum, Nancy Thompson, Kyle Dorion
Absent: John Feldman, Debbie Stanhope
Present: Engineer Dan Johnson, Aud./Adm. Kathy Johnson, Attorney Larry DuBois
Others Present: George Christensen
Public Hearing called to order at 7:03 p.m., by Mayor Hillukka. There being no one to appear, the
Regular Meeting called to order at 7:05.
1. Changes made to agenda – Add School, Village Family Services, O’Hara light request, and spring flooding.
2. Motion by Senum, second by Thompson to approve Feb. 12 minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: a) Motion by Senum, second by Dorion, to accept the resolution to annex the golf course property. Motion carried unanimously. b) Ordinance creating "Club" Liquor licenses reviewed. Motion to set minimum number of club members at 25 by Thompson, second by Dorion. Motion carried unanimously. Motion to approve first reading by Thompson, second by Dorion. Motion carried unanimously. c) Motion to set the maximum number of "Club" liquor licenses to 4 by Senum, second by Dorion. Motion carried unanimously. Motion to approve first reading of ordinance by Senum, second by Dorion to approve first reading. Motion carried unanimously. d) Motion to set the fee for club licenses at $10 annually for clubs serving fifteen or fewer events per year, $150 for clubs serving over 15 events per year by Senum, second by Thompson. Motion carried unanimously. Motion to approve first reading by Senum, second by Thompson. Motion carried unanimously. e) Bill of sale for golf clubhouse tabled. f) Clubhouse lease terms discussed, but not finalized.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Motion by Senum, second by Thompson, to contract with Village Family Services Business Institute at $900 for one year. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Community Center – Steering Cmte. met with K. Lunde and R. Jasmer, and recommends rejection of all bids. Motion by Senum, second by Dorion, to reject all bids. Motion carried unanimously. b) Motion by Dorion, second by Senum, to approve Blake Skinner’s appointment to the Growth Committee. Motion carried unanimously. c) Motion by Thompson, second by Dorion, to install a street light at the alley of Hancock St. between blocks 73 and 74. Senum opposed, motion carried.
6. Aud./Admin. Update: a) Feb. financials reviewed and approved. b) March bills reviewed and approved.
c) Unpaid taxes and bond balances reviewed.
7. Committee Reports: a) Personnel committee – will complete evaluations soon, and will review personnel manuals. b) Streets/water/sewer – public hearing held with no opposition presented to street closure. Motion by Senum, second by Burke, to accept closing the portion of Hayden street. Roll call vote: voting aye – Burke, Dorion, Senum, and Thompson. Nays – none. Absent and not voting: Feldman. Motion carried.
8. New Issues – a) School donation – Motion by Dorion, second by Senum, to give $500 from sales tax funds to the school to support the Boys Basketball trip to state tournaments. Motion carried b) Engineer Johnson reported on "Safe Routes to Schools" grant, which has a deadline of April 10.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:10 p.m.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attested to: Kathy Johnson, Auditor/Administrator