Pembina City Council
Special Meeting Minutes
Friday March 26, 2010
172 W. Rolette St.
Present: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Bev Burke, John Feldman, Pat Burton, Kyle Dorion
Absent: Debbie Stanhope, Greg Wilmer, Auditor / Administrator Nancy Thompson, Deputy Auditor Lisa Plante
Others present: Pat Misson, Ron Monette and Joe Defoe (all representing flood committee) and Ken Norby PWS
Call to Order 5:00 P.M.
Warren presented info regarding 6” pump from several different suppliers. Discussion followed.
Flood Committee’s recommendation to council is to purchase pump with John Deere engine, liquid cooled, magnum pump.
Motion by Feldman second by Dorion to get pump from Acme and hose from either Acme or H2O. Motion carries.
Warren will get the ball rolling to get the pump here by Monday.
Motion by Burke to adjourn the meeting, 5:20 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: Bev Burke, Council Vice President