City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of March 11, 2002 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Wayne Schafer, Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Warren Hillukka, Thomas Manley, John Feldman, Mayor Pat Burton.
Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming (attendance at regular mtg.), K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Deputy Chris Benson, Goldie Bauer and Edith Monette of Fun & Friendship Club, Gordon Johnson of North Valley Water.
Public Hearing called to order at 7:00 by Mayor Burton.
1. Fun & Friendship Club - An oversight by the auditor resulted in a double payment of hail claims. Both sides agreed the Sr. Citizens would retain ownership of the building, along with responsibility of insurance. If it was allowable to keep funds the City had already been forwarded, this $765 would be sent to the Sr. Citizens for their losses.
2. G. Johnson - was looking for approval to reapply to ND State Revolving Fund. The loan application they would submit is high on the waiting list. There is no obligation and no commitment on the part of the City at this time. Council approved application, in case it would be necessary at some future date.
3. C. Benson- training will be completed soon. Asked about city ordinances, active city court, and potential office space. Feldman requested a copy of daily log, as police committee, and to do walk-through of on-sale liquor license sites on a regular basis.
Regular Meeting called to order 8:01 P.M.
1. Changes made to agenda--dirt letter, snow removal liability, complaint of garbage burning, election, office space.
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, a approve Feb. 4 minutes as corrected, and Jan.31 minutes as typed. Motion carried.
3. No Judges Report.
4. City Attorney Update: Legal research indicates that an extension of an exemption is allowable, but exemption after the fact is not. Much discussion followed. The intent of the law is to give competitors a chance to respond. Motion by Manley, Second by Senum, to approve the two year extension for Clearview Contracting at 100%. Motion carried, 100% voting aye. Clearview will need to apply for abatement on 2001 taxes. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to deny Valley Crete’s application for exemption, as the application was not made prior to occupancy. Hillukka opposed, motion carried.
5. Employee Report: George: a) Raw water pump has not been returned yet. b) Kringstad is hauling water/sludge from pond when called, to avoid overflow. c) lights needing replacement in city hall, water plant, and new florescents for old shed. Council approval noted. d) Filter monitors, such as the new regulations will require, will cost around $85,000. e) Open House set for May 8
Comm. Ctr: K. Olson doing a great job! Council approved purchase of new equipment. Noted that building is not "grandfathered" under ADA requirements. Employee evaluations were completed, but not presented to employees. Mayor and Senum to complete this process.
6. Mayoral Update: none.
7. Aud./Adm. Update: a) Feb. General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements (in the form of register), and Mar. bills to be paid presented. Questions answered and all approved. b) Meetings upcoming include JDA on March 13, Project Impact on April 3, and ND League of Cities April 23 in Mayville, plus committees.
8. Committee reports:
a) Tree Committee: Betty Pelletier appointed by Mayor Burton. Council approval noted. Next meeting April 4, 7 p.m.
b) Recreation Board: Will need re-organization at Mar. 26 meeting.
c) Growth: Chairman Senum reported on good response to incentives. Council requested emphasis on "a safe place to raise a family" for our "Top 11", plus highlighting incentives more. Motion by Feldman, second by Manley, to purchase laptop computers from Surplus Supply for the committees who track their own budgets. Motion carried.
d) Streets: A sidewalk plan was approved in 2000, but not implemented. Will set meeting to review signage and truck ordinance. It is the city’s obligation to keep streets reasonably clean, but dumping into streets (for example snow after the snowplow has gone by already) is a finable offense in some communities. Note: the city is not liable for independent contractors working for the city.
9. Issues: a) Letter re: dirt -- Motion by Manley, second by Senum, to offer an option to property-owner: pay 18 loads at $4.50, or replace the dirt. Schafer opposed. Motion carried.
b) Burning of garbage in city limits and its jurisdiction is expressly prohibited by city ordinance. Suspected violators will be notified, with fines imposed if infractions continue.
c) Consultant for Quickbooks approved by Council.
d) Up for election are the positions of Mayor and three council members. Auditor to check on and publish requirements.
e) Gaffney’s Office consultant recommended a payment window for visibility if office moved. Auditor to write to Ambulance Board again with request.
10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:20 p.m.
By: Pat Burton, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm