
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

Minutes of June 3, 2002 Council Meeting


Attendance: Council:  Wayne Schafer, Richard Senum, Beverly Burke, Warren Hillukka, Mayor Pat Burton. Absent: Thomas Manley, John Feldman.

Present: City Attorney Neil Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud/Adm.

Others present: Ron French, city engineer; Ken Norby, Vicky Kostelecky, Michelle Stumpert, Larry Wilwant, & Fort Pembina Historical Society Delegation consisting of Linda & Gerry Baldock, John Bordunik, Annette Masloski, Jim Radig, Mel Feldman, Hetty Walker, Edith Monette, and Gene Warner.


Public Hearing called to order at 7:00 by Mayor Pat Burton.

1. Kostelecky – wanted information re; hosting a street dance July 19 adjacent to the Spot. Questions arose regarding liability insurance, blocking of the sidewalk, and staging the band across the street next to the dike. The Spot would be responsible for cleaning up the street, fencing off the liquor area if minors were allowed in, and securing police.

2. Historical Society presented a letter requesting forgiveness assessments for Ukrainian Church, in light of the need to either move or raise it in addition to refurbishing the interior. Council could not forgive specials, but matter will be taken to the Growth Committee.

3. Stumpert – Requested approval for a ring dike to be constructed around her home, utilizing the former rail bed, city dike and 5th. St. this is to be approved by State Water Board and State Engineer specifications. Under the premise that no denial is the same as approval, the Council made no motion at this time.

4. Larry Wilwant – presented data about the proposed set – back dikes along the Pembina River. This plan does not allow for increased water-flow into Canada, as was proposed by PRBAB plan which was approved by both Pembina County and Canadian governments. Letter of protest will be sent.

5. Ron French – a) Presented findings of research re: ditches along W. Stutsman St. Proposed placingof culverts and sloping sides to narrow the ditch bottoms, as wide, flat bottoms allow water to stand. R. Twamley already put in a bid on this. Motion by Burke, second by Senum, recommended full council to proceed with the 7th. St. culvert/ditch repair as proposed by our engineer and R. Twamley, in the approximate amount of $2,600. Motion carried. b) Raw water meter is not working. Looking at replacement.


Regular Meeting called to order

1. Changes made to agenda—housing issue following “scouts” from federal government. Public meeting set for June 13 if Myhre can attend. Will present Pembina Court as well.

2. Motion by Senum, second by Schafer, to approve May minutes as amended. Motion carried.

3. No Judges Report.

4. City Attorney Update: a) Sent in for Attorney General’s opinion on payment in lieu of taxes and the number of votes required to be elected. b) will need the number of court cases in the past two years to apply for abolition of the judge position. c) Retirement question: Recommended consultant position as no future council would be bound by this council’s decision. Council decided to offer lump sum or consultant position. Auditor to contact George. (Hillukka arrives)

5. Employee Report: a) Ken reported on water school: many new technologies. Most systems are taking a “ wait and see” approach to the new regulations, as cost factors must be justified. Also, continuing discussion with state Health Dept. regarding filter monitoring. b) Letters to be sent by Auditor re: mowing of vacant properties.  c) Ball diamond weeds also need attention. Sterilant needs 76 hours of no traffic. Keep mowed, will apply roundup.

6. Mayoral Update: a) Mayor will check into hosting various bands in the park as a fund-raiser for Rodeo. b) Discussed proposed rate increase for Valley Landfill. Will check on what is being paid for Waste Management ND. Not enough information, so item tabled until next meeting.

7. Aud./Adm. Update: a) May General ledger, budget ratio, collections/disbursements and June bills to be paid presented: financials approved. b) Motion by Burke, second by Senum, to approve the Friends of Neche Fire Department application for gaming site for 2002-03. Motion carried. c) Motion by Hillukka, second be Burke, to approve purchase of display model room dividers for new office in the amount of $300.00. 100% aye. d) Motion by Hillukka, second by Senum, to approve travel of Auditor to attend forestry conference in Spearfish, SD, July 17-19. 100% aye. e) Auditor directed to pay 5/12 taxes on property previously owned. f) Pressure problems with water in S. Pembina due to feeding 6” line for a 2” line. Motion by Hillukka, second by Senum, to look into hooking up plastic pipe to service this area summers only. 100% aye. g) Health inspections had been completed and letters mailed by Allan MacKay, under contract with County Health Dept.

8. Committee reports: a) Recreation Board: Playground equipment for S. Pembina being set up on 1 ease. T-ball starting June 10. July 4 Committee will meet again. Kristi Burke offered to join Rec. Board. Approval given for Rec. Bd. To use city equipment for site preparation. b) Growth: Discussion of motel proposal. Hoping to build spring 2003, still looking for incentives and planning 4 lane pool. Rick will talk to Doug Taylor re: potential EDA funding.

9. Issues: a) Motion by Senum, second by Schafer, for full council to approve previous recommendation regarding 7th St. ditching. Motion carried 100%. b) Auditor directed to check into business plan on Verizon for city crew communication.

10. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 11:oo p.m.


By: Pat Burton, Mayor


Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm