City of Pembina
Pembina, North Dakota 58271
Minutes of March 1, 2004 Council Meeting
Attendance: Council: Beverly Burke, Jeff Carpenter, John Feldman, Richard Senum, Larry Pelletier, Pat Burton, Mayor Warren Hillukka. Absent: none
Present: City Attorney stand-in Rob Fleming, K. Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Others Present: Ken Norby, Gary Helland, Tom & Brenda Masloski, Ardell Larson, Traci Foss, Jim & Janine Moris, Kevin McGauvran
Public Hearing called to order at 7:02 by Mayor Hillukka.
· A. Larson and T. Foss presented "Kick’N Up Kountry" vision for Kittson Co. Fair Grounds.
· Tom Masloski presented his idea to develop a motocross area north of Highway 59 on city property. He has volunteers lined up to help create and maintain this, has confirmed insurance through the Recreation Board, and gained approval of the closest neighbor. Asked use of city equipment, subject to approval of Public Works Superintendent. Motion by Burton, second by Feldman, to allow Masloski to proceed, using city dirt to develop this. Motion carried 100%. Rick was appointed liaison to work with Ken regarding equipment use.
· Pembina Rodeo Board – represented by Moris and McGauvran, spoke about the Hamilton Fair Board’s decision to operate a rodeo this year. Fair Board will meet with Rodeo Board on Thursday, March 4 at the City Office.
· Pat Burton presented a request from the After Prom Party Committee. Motion by Feldman, second by Senum, to allow the After Prom Committee to use the community center rent-free and reduced clean-up. Motion carried unanimously.
Regular Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M.
1. Changes to agenda – Bill for sewer work, Growth budgets, Ft. Daer
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to approve February minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Attorney Update: no report.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priority lists reviewed. b) Review of Koropatnicki bill for sewer. Upon discussion, Motion was made by Burton, second by Feldman, to pay $45 of the bill as that would be the percentage of work done for the city. Motion carried unanimously. c) Gary apologized for not completing the skating rink. Has a better idea what is needed next year. Rick reported the bill of sale for the warming house was not in yet. d) Reviewed estimate to fix pick-up. Motion by Feldman, second by Pelletier, to appoint a committee to research a newer pickup with a snow blade, total price not to exceed $15,000. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor appointed Burton, Senum and Helland to this committee. e) Motion by Senum, second by Burton, to use savings from pay-off of 93-1 bond to assist payment of 95-3 bond. Roll call vote: Aye – Burke, Burton, Carpenter, Feldman, Pelletier, and Senum. Nay – none. Motion carried. f) Motion by Feldman, second by Burton, to purchase a Brother MFC all-in-one machine with network card for city office use. Motion carried unanimously. g) Personnel committee to review mosquito spraying issue.
5. Mayor’s Report: a) Hanson of WFW has not set a date for the long term water study report. b) Second reading of proposed ordinance changes to Chapter 1, Article 2: Salaries (see attached). Motion by Feldman, second by Burton to adopt the proposed changes. Roll call vote: Aye – Burke, Burton, Carpenter, Feldman, Pelletier, and Senum. Nay – none. Motion carried. c) Motion by Burton, second by Feldman, to approve appointment of Kathy Johnson as the city’s representative on the JDA. Motion carried unanimously. d) Johnson directed to handle Municipal Government Week.
6. Aud./Adm. Update: a) February collections/disbursements, general ledger, and budget ratio reviewed and approved. b) March bills to be paid presented and approved.
7. Committee Reports: a) Growth – Discussion of potential change of loan for motel. Motion by Burke, second by Carpenter, to approve proposed budgets for Growth Committee and Trailer Parks. Motion carried unanimously. b) Personnel – will set meeting.
c) Recreation – Requested $10,000 for use toward Golf Course. Item tabled until April to confirm sales tax income available. Motion by Burke, second by Carpenter, to adopt "Fort Daer Landing and Recreation Area" as the official name for the South Pembina park area. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Issues: a) Johnson directed to take action on the abandoned pickup in the trailer park. b) Motion by Senum, second by Carpenter, to support Kick’N Up Kountry at the $1,000 level, spending 1/3 from these funds: growth, recreation, and advertising. Aye: Burke, Burton, Carpenter, Feldman, and Senum. Nay – Pelletier. Motion carried.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 10:30 p.m.
By: Warren Hillukka, Mayor
Attested to: K. Johnson, City Aud/Adm