Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council: Beverly Burke, Nancy Thompson, John Feldman, Debbie Stanhope, Absent: Kyle Dorion, Rick Senum, Kathy Johnson, Aud./Adm.
Present: Engineer Dan Johnson, Shelli Rude Office Ass’t., Attorney Neil Fleming
Others Present: Verlinda Margerum, Barb O’Hara, Peggy Reimer, Kara Odegard.
Public Hearing: called to order @ 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Hillukka.
· Bike Tour: Margerum & O’Hara representing the PLY. They are organizing the meals for the RRIBT Tour coming to town on June 20 and questioned realm of responsibility. They were directed to the Growth Cmte. meeting on May 29.
· Developmental Homes Gaming: requested a gaming permit to bring gaming operations into the Spot Bar. Drayton Curling Club is willing to step back. They would like to start with pull tabs followed by black jack & possibly bingo. Motion by Feldman, second by Stanhope, to allow Developmental Homes Gaming to come into The Spot. Motion carried unanimously.
· Peggy R. requested permission to fence off the back of the Spot Bar to have a luau on June 15. Motion by Thompson, second by Burke to let her go ahead as long as she has a bouncer present. Peggy will check with Kathy on getting a special permit for this reason.
Regular Meeting called to order @ 7:30.
1. Changes made to agenda – add Stop sign by bridge, R. Griffith Culvert
2. Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to approve minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Attorney Update: a) Annexation resolution was published twice. No protest. Resolution and Platt will be sent to county for recording. b) Purchase of clubhouse postponed due to finalizing financing. Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to accept the TEAM estimate to spray dandelions at the Golf Course for $650 when they come up to spray city properties. Motion carried unanimously. c) S. Pembina Buy-out: Satisfaction of the one outstanding mortgage has been recorded. Project is now complete for State DEM/FEMA. Motion by Feldman, second by Thompson, to now pay the remainder due Gaustad. Motion carried unanimously. d) Border Water Contract – tabled for review by D. Johnson and Norby.
4. Employee Report: a) Goals/priorities reviewed. b) Sloughing gauges installed on dike by Rodeo grounds; Ken is monitoring these. c) Stop sign will be restored and tree pile will be moved. d) Materials to move coin water to plant area cost over $2,000. Council approval noted to move forward with this project. e) Summer help: 5 applications for mowers, none for mosquito spraying received. Motion by Feldman, second by Stanhope to re-hire P. Huttunen and to hire Loren Gendreau. Motion carried unanimously. Will discuss with Gendreau re: mosquito spraying and increased wages for different work.
5. Mayoral Update: a) Application for 30 year Direct Loan from USDA Rural Development approved for Community Center Renovation project. Asbestos should be removed in July. Need a separate loan for the golf course clubhouse. b) WSN proposals: Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to approve the vault engineering proposal. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Financial Reports presented by S. Rude in absence of Johnson. a) April collections/disbursements, general ledger & transfer amounts reviewed and approved. b) May bills to be paid approved, with the exception of County police contract. c) Budget to Actual report reviewed. d) MCI project report tabled; Johnson will present this.
7. Committee Reports: a) Personnel Cmte: Motion by Burke, second by Thompson to accept 3% increase for full time employees, 4% for office assistant, (retroactive to Jan. 1, 2007) and a bonus for Norby and Johnson to be paid to retirement fund in the amount of 2% 2006 base wages. Motion carried unanimously. Recommended level increase for PW assistant rejected. b) Rec. Bd. – requesting one more load of agri-lime for ball fields. c) Shade Tree Cmte – is sponsoring a block meeting on clean-up of the coulee on block 17.
8. New: a) R. Griffith – council recommends approval of building permit for installation of culvert in ditch, but a installation must not cause a water problem for neighbors or on street. b) Volk- counter-offer on purchase of street right-of-way. Motion by Feldman, second by Burke, to accept Volk’s bid of $1,000 for this property. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Motion to adjourn by Burke at 9:45.
By: Mayor Warren Hillukka
Attest: Shelli Rude, Office Assistant