
City of Pembina, ND

Oldest Settlement in the Dakota Territories

July 12th, 2010

City of Pembina

Pembina, North Dakota 58271

152 W. Rolette St.

Official Minutes July 12th 2010 City Council Meeting


Attendance: Mayor Warren Hillukka, Council, Beverly Burke, Kyle Dorion, Pat Burton, John Feldman & Debbie Stanhope

Absent:  Greg Wilmer

Present: Attorney Neil Fleming, Aud. /Adm. Nancy Thompson, Dan Johnson City Engineer, PWS Ken Norby

Others Present: Kathy Lunde-Red River Regional Council, Kathy Johnson-Pembina New Era, Brian Williams Pembina Ambulance, Matt Gruenberg 

Public Portion: Matt Gruenberg here about water drainage problems on his property and if a ditch could be put in on 3rd & Jerome. Motion by Burton second by Feldman to hire Ralph Twamley for the ditching from 3rd Street to railroad bed and from Jerome Street to railroad bed with a split cost with landowner. Roll call vote Ayes: Feldman, Burton, Dorion, Burke & Stanhope Nays: none absent and not voting Wilmer. Kathy Lunde was here to give Council update on the CDBG grant applications.  Pembina has at least 25 eligible households for the grant monies, which will help pay the water/sewer assessment to the households that qualified. The Pembina Forcemain. /Water System improvement project.  Conflicts of interest.  Lisa Plante will need to remove herself from the project and a legal notice published regarding the conflict of interest.

 Lunde discussed "conflict of interest" with all city council persons, Mayor and auditor.  It was determined that there could be potential conflicts with Bev Burke, John Feldman, Pat Burton, Kyle Dorion ,Debbie Stanhope as they have relatives in Pembina.  Warren Hillukka and Nancy Thompson stated they had no relatives in town.  

 Brain Williams gave update on Pembina Ambulance Service.


Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hillukka at 6:35p.m

Changes made to agenda:  Motion by Dorion second by Burton to accept changes to agenda. Motion carries. Motion by Feldman second by Burton to approve June minutes with changes. Motion carries.

City Engineer /Dan Johnson: a) Survey crew will return Thursday to finish up. The plans are about 90% done on water and sewer projects b) Looking at August to bid the project  c) Special assessment committee needs to be set up

City Attorney Update: a) update on Little Shell tribe b) Zoning of property.  Motion by Dorion second by Burke to set Public hearing for amending the land development code on August 9th 2010 at 5:30p.m. at 152 West Rolette St. Motion carries.

 3. Employee Report:  a) Kyle Defoe’s last day will be July 23RD there was only one other application for the original summer help position.  Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to offer the remainder of the summer help position to Preston Thompson. Motion Carries b) Motion by Dorion second by Feldman to write a letter for tenants of the professional building in reference to kitchen use.  Motion Carries c) Motion by Feldman second by Burton for Ken Norby to sell back 40 hours of vacation. Motion carries. d)  Motion by Dorion second by Feldman to send out letter to city residents that they can’t drain their sump pumps into sanitary sewers, and also not to blow grass onto City streets, items will be referenced by City ordinance or ND century code. Motion carries. d) Send email to Hetty Walker about water on property behind Carpenter, Eisenbeis and Chaput’s homes informing that a ditch will need to be put in and is it county or state property.

4. Mayor Update:  a) HDR Engineer update b) July 13th there will be deposition on Monette law suit at Community Center. c) Pembina County Job Development authority is having an eight week leadership program tuition is $150.00.

 5.  Aud. /Admin. Update:  a) June financials reviewed and approved.  b) July bills reviewed and approved. e) Motion by Dorion second by Stanhope to not charge a fee to the fitness class instructors for use of the Community Center as long as Community center is kept clean after each class. Motion carries. 

6.   Committee Reports:  a) Shade Tree needs more funds in order to do any kind of up keep this summer on City trees. Motion by Feldman second by Stanhope to give $500.00 to Shade tree committee from the Growth Development fund account.  Motion carries

7. Issues-New & Outstanding: Nothing at this time  

 Motion by Burke to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.


By: Mayor, Warren Hillukka



Attested to:  Nancy Thompson, Auditor/Administrator